View Full Version : Is anybody else having this issue/problem?

08-02-2010, 03:36 AM
I recently upgraded from 3.8.4 to 4.0.5 and google has not cached any of my pages since.

Google does crawl my site but not as frequent as it used to prior to the upgrade.

Whenever I click the [cached] link next to the search result, I get a message similar to this one:

Your search - cache:[randomcode]www.site.com/thread did not match any documents.

I also took a look at the webmaster tools page and it seems like google stopped keeping record of search queries etc the day I upgraded.

Here is a screenshot of the graph:

Is there anything I forgot to do? what should I do?

P.S. Existing threads(indexed pages) that have been recrawled by google bot after upgrade are slowly getting dropped. =/


08-02-2010, 03:48 AM
Well if your URL structure has changed it will basically be like starting a brand new site. All old pages will be dropped and the new ones will slowly be added.

Other then that I have seen some threads at .com about the same issue..

08-02-2010, 04:15 AM
Well, that's not really the case here.

The url may have changed but the old url still points to the new one.

The thing is that once google visits an already indexed page, it updates the description and the url(good thing), but the cache part breaks and once that happens, this page no longer appears in the search results.

I just hope this is temporary.

08-02-2010, 04:26 AM
Oh so you are using the same structure url and/or have 301's setup?

08-02-2010, 05:11 AM
I'm using the default friendly urls in vb4.

301 redirects.

showthread.php?t=10 redirects to showthread.php?10-new-url