View Full Version : How do I switch hosts?

07-23-2010, 01:47 AM
I know this might be in the wrong section but, I need some help. Currently I use a free hosting company. I plan to have a real paid one. How can I switch everything from my vBulletin on over to my paid hosting? (files, database etc.)


07-23-2010, 09:53 AM
I know this might be in the wrong section but, I need some help. Currently I use a free hosting company. I plan to have a real paid one. How can I switch everything from my vBulletin on over to my paid hosting? (files, database etc.)


Make a thorough backup of your db and then upload your forum folder to your pc. Next create a new database at the cp of your new host and restore the db backup you made at your old host. And then reupload the forum folder from your pc to the server space of your new host and edit the config.php file by entering the db info of your new host where you restored the db backup. Thi sis pretty much in a nutshell, hope it helps.

07-23-2010, 01:38 PM
If your url changes you will also need to use AdminCP to set that option to the new url.

07-23-2010, 11:19 PM
Whatever you do, don't go with Godaddy... total nightmare. You need a host that uses cpanel so you can easily backup your site. With Godaddy you have to download each and every file individually, and because they time you out after a few seconds, it's nearly impossible to transfer vbulletin from their shared hosting accounts.

07-25-2010, 04:24 AM
I recently moved hosts and my new host was happy to migrate everything over for me. Any of the major hosts who pride themselves on service will do it for you.