View Full Version : Is there a MOD that lets me use a BBCode editor to create a new FAQ item?

07-20-2010, 11:11 PM
When the answer to a new FAQ is just a few lines of text, the current screen in AdminCP works just fine. When I want to bold, italicize, include a snippet of code, and/or a link or three, I have to use raw HTML code.

I'm looking for a MOD that will let me use BBcode for the answer to a new FAQ, or at least make it easier to insert a link that actually links instead of just displays as plain text.

WHY: This is for a support forum for a product used by 3rd party developers. We are going to have a lot of FAQs that link to sections of the manual or online documentation. The forum already knows how to parse the BBcode into HTML, so there should be a way to do that with FAQs too.

07-22-2010, 02:45 AM
I used to use BBCeditor (freeware), but now I just use the CMS editor. No, it won't make a new FAQ item automatically, but it's not a bad bbcode editor.