View Full Version : Notification when User is Banned

07-16-2010, 01:26 AM
Is there a way to send an email notification, or post a thread (like infraction notifications) when a user is Auto-Banned? I'd like to automatically ban users when they reach a certain infraction level (indefinitely) pending a manual review of their infractions, but this doesn't seem feasible unless there's some way of notifying us when such an auto-ban has occurred, besides manually checking the bottom of the list of banned users every day and seeing if there's somebody new on it.

07-16-2010, 10:56 PM
I've never seen anything like that.

In our forum we've only banned a couple real people and there was lots of discussion about it beforehand. Moderators know better than to give points without posting all about it to the Moderators forum, so we could never be surprised by a ban.