View Full Version : Layout Help Please

07-13-2010, 08:41 PM
Note: I'm a beginner so bare with me please.

vBulletin 4 with Suite

So the system allows you to create as many layouts as you want but I don't understand :confused: how to incorporate them to the pages/sections.

Help please!

07-13-2010, 08:46 PM
Are you talking about the Layouts listed under vBulletin CMS? Those are Layout you would then apply to the Sections. I would strongly suggest you read the Articles on vbulletin.com regarding the CMS (under the Home tab) because it covers how to apply layouts to your sections.

07-14-2010, 03:36 PM
i'd really like to look at the tutorials on the CMS but i keep getting a message saying i cant because i dont have priveleges to do so. i am logged in as well