View Full Version : footer ad style registration bar

07-13-2010, 04:03 PM
so i saw a forum the other day that had one of those 'footer ads' (the ones that slide up at the bottom of the page) and it asked for an email address. once you entered it in, it showed another small box that asked for username and then when you click okay, you become a member of the forum.

has anyone seen anything like that before? I would think that would dramatically increase user signup on forums.

Brandon Sheley
07-13-2010, 05:18 PM
it would dramatically send me away from the site TBH ;)
I would search for popup here at the org if you do in fact want to add one of these annoying boxes.

07-13-2010, 06:03 PM
haha yea. it's not those annoying popups....it's like a javascript/flash slider that comes up from the bottom. only thing close i've found is an actual script which they call ultimate footer ad or something. but the one i saw was tied into vbulletin so it registers the person to the forum pretty quick.