View Full Version : Private Message a Usergroup

07-11-2010, 04:33 PM
Does anyone know of any feature or Mod that allows you to PM an entire usergroup. For example, if I want to PM all Moderators, or all Banned members. (I only use these as an example, I have forum specific usergroups that I want to PM, but I don't want to have to type all the usernames into the field. Plus, if someone wants to PM all the Administrators or something, they could just select it from a drop down menu. Anyway, I haven't found anything like this, so I decided to see if anyone else out there knew how to.

To be clear, I am looking for something that would allow me and my Users, from the UserCP, to be able to PM individuals in a usergroup, IE all Administrators.

07-11-2010, 05:53 PM
Reported as working in 4.x.x, search function works well.


07-11-2010, 08:31 PM
While I appreciate the sentiment behind your remark, I have used the search function and found this Mod, but it does not meet all my requirements. I may have not been clear earlier, but I would like my Users, from the UserCP, to be able to PM individuals in a usergroup, IE all Administrators.

The description on the one you have suggested states:
This system allows admins to send mass private message to members from AdminCP.

Thank you for your effort.

07-11-2010, 08:40 PM
While I appreciate the sentiment behind your remark, I have used the search function and found this Mod, but it does not meet all my requirements. I may have not been clear earlier, but I would like my Users, from the UserCP, to be able to PM individuals in a usergroup, IE all Administrators.

The description on the one you have suggested states:

Thank you for your effort.

In that case you should have explained yourself better as to what you want because by reading your first post I Also thought what you wanted is what that mod linked above does. Now in your second post you ask for something different. people can''t read minds you know :D

Anyway, there is no such mod, at least as far as I know. Try to request it at the request forums and hopefully someone will create it for you.

07-11-2010, 08:57 PM
I apologize for not being clear in my original post.