View Full Version : [Suggestion] Colour-Coded Issue Listing

Alteran Ancient
07-11-2010, 12:32 PM
Hi there. Just thought about something many great systems have that PT lacks.

Basically, the idea to colour issues depending on either their status (New, Confirmed, Closed etc.) or their priority (Blue for low, Red for high). I'm not sure which way it should be done, but it could be an optional thing.

I know that Redmine colour-codes based-on severity; Brighter reds being the more severe, and blues being low-priority, whereas other systems such as Mantis BT uses colours to represent different issue states (New, Acknowledged, Confirmed, Assigned, Closed, etc.)

I think I actually remember seeing a plugin for Project Tools for vB3 that coloured issues based-on status.

Just my two pence.

07-11-2010, 01:06 PM
This is already implemented on PT 2.1.2 for statuses only. Maybe later we could add support for others things like priority? Who knows :)

10-23-2010, 12:14 PM
This is already implemented on PT 2.1.2 for statuses only. Maybe later we could add support for others things like priority? Who knows :)

Hi. When will you release 2.1.2 so that we can see/use the color coding. I find this to be a critical feature. It'll be grreeeeat.

Thanks again for all your work on Projects. Some/most/all of us really really really appreciate it.

10-24-2010, 12:22 PM
I'll see what we could do for the release (we need to QA test it - this wasn't done).