View Full Version : Using cleaner.php to change tags

07-06-2010, 07:47 PM

I am testing porting ipb3 to vb4.04.

The only thing I am having problems with is changing ipb's tags to vb4's tags.

I have used cleaner.php and added the following:

$replacer = array(
"[media]" => "[video]",
"" => ""

I run cleaner.php and it goes through and I then rebuild the post cache via admincp as explained here (http://www.vbulletin.com/docs/html/main/impex_cleaner).

After ive done that, I go to my test board and refresh a thread that contained a youtube clip in [media] tags.

I was expecting to see the youtube clip embedded, but the post just had the following in it:


However, If I just click the 'edit' button, the post does in fact look like this:


If I then just click save without making any changes, the video correctly appears embedded in the post.

Any thoughts to this little problem? :confused:

07-07-2010, 05:44 AM
I think its because the replacer only replaces the text in forum and doesnt exactly parse it. Does it happen with any other bbcode or only video? Not an expert on it but usually if the post cache is updated it sort of should work.. since video is a sort of next vb4 tag maybe it has some bugs not sure.. should definately ask the vbulletin.com techs

07-07-2010, 05:55 AM
The only other things ive noticed are the quotes display wrong and there are double line breaks :
