View Full Version : Custom list of open projects

07-03-2010, 09:05 AM
I am using PT for cusomer support and would like to add two listing, preferably on the default PT page. Via a search / link would be my second choice.

1) If regular user is logged in, show "My Issues"; a list of all issues/projects posted by curret user, open or completed.

2) If admin is logged in, show all issues/projects that are not completed/closed.

I know I can do something similar with My Reports but I'd like to do it in a simpler way for end users and also in a way that resembles my old non-vB system.

Any ideas appreciated

Ryan Ashbrook
07-06-2010, 04:53 PM
The Search dropdown can easily do this, and it's more extensive than an arbitrary link.

No real need for extra links, IMO.