View Full Version : Private Message Layout

06-29-2010, 01:54 PM
How do I 'fix' my PM message list layout to where the 'menu' (folder list, etc) is to the 'left' of the message list and not wayyy down at the bottom.


running vB4.0.3
Customized Theme with fixed layout of 935px

06-29-2010, 01:58 PM
Have you tried contacting Customer Support on the vbulletin.com website?

06-29-2010, 02:13 PM
"Customized Theme" it's nothing in their code.

You will have to go to your pm_messagelist template and find this code:

<div id="pmlist_info" class="floatcontainer">
<div id="forum_icon_legend" >
<h5>{vb:rawphrase icon_legend}</h5>
<dt><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_statusicon}/pm_new.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase unread_message}" /></dt><dd>{vb:rawphrase unread_message}</dd>
<dt><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_statusicon}/pm_old.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase read_message}" /></dt><dd>{vb:rawphrase read_message}</dd>
<dt><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_statusicon}/pm_replied.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase repliedto_message}" /></dt><dd>{vb:rawphrase repliedto_message}</dd>
<dt><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_statusicon}/pm_forwarded.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase forwarded_message}" /></dt><dd>{vb:rawphrase forwarded_message}</dd>
<strong>{vb:rawphrase download_all_private_messages_as}</strong>:<br />
<a href="private.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=downloadpm&amp;dowhat=xml">{vb:rawphrase xml}</a> |
<a href="private.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=downloadpm&amp;dowhat=csv">{vb:rawphrase csv}</a> |
<a href="private.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=downloadpm&amp;dowhat=txt">{vb:rawphrase text}</a>

then place it (CUT & PASTE) above at the end of the pmlist_info DIV before the DIV closing tag or anywhere else you might like.

06-29-2010, 03:30 PM
JasonReynolds: Have you tried contacting Customer Support on the vbulletin.com website?
This is a custom theme and vBulletin.com states they don't 'help' with that (at least via the ticket system)... though I did post in a related thread about this ;) but haven't received a reply.


it's not the icon legend that needs to be moved it's the

that needs to be to the LEFT of the message list instead of down at the bottom
the div /div 'floatcontainer' you suggested moving is already where it's 'supposed' to be... =S

06-29-2010, 03:40 PM
hard to give help when you do not have a link to your forum or test user .

06-29-2010, 04:01 PM
does it show this way in the user control panel too? or just in the private.php page ?

06-29-2010, 05:13 PM
does it show this way in the user control panel too? or just in the private.php page ?
yes it is like that in usercp/settings as well

hard to give help when you do not have a link to your forum or test user .
Have one set temporarily as GuineaPig/peanuts
hope i don't get spammed to heck and back putting that here =S

06-29-2010, 05:49 PM
Hi again,

just took a quick look,

ur problem is with the Everywhere sidebar you have installed.

You have a fixed width template (935px) & Everywhere sidebar do margins +290px & -290px right, & it has wrapped your usercp_nav + 2 other DIVs into a content_container DIV.

You have to see which templates does this mod alter & start from there, that is mainly your problem.

P.S: I'm not saying it's a mistake in the Mod code, but don't forget Mods are made based on a Default vBulletin not a modified one like yours.

Sorry I can't be more helpful but my time is killing me,

Good Luck.

06-29-2010, 05:58 PM
I set my options so style can be chosen ... and with default style everything is hunky dory... it's my custom style =S... I'm thinking it's a percentage or a margin setting somewhere but *where* I can't figure out =S

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oh thanks, i was afraid it was a mod... i'll try disabling that one and see if that helps

06-29-2010, 06:12 PM
you also have something weird,

you have this code:

<ul class="blockbody">

which should be a DIV not a UL:

<div class="blockbody">

so is the closing tag for it, should be </div> instead of </ul>

That is the block that holds the settings block you're referring to.

06-29-2010, 06:15 PM
hmmm disabling it didn't change things
nor did uninstalling it =S
same for Download PM's as TXT (disabled, didn't change, then uninstalled, didn't change)
other mods I have installed are:
Display Unread Posts and Reputation
Who Has Read a Thread

Doesn't seem like any of those should affect the UserCP/Messages

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you also have something weird,

you have this code:

<ul class="blockbody">
which should be a DIV not a UL:

<div class="blockbody">
so is the closing tag for it, should be </div> instead of </ul>

That is the block that holds the settings block you're referring to.

in which template? usercp or messagelist?

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could it be a css file?

06-29-2010, 06:26 PM
<h2 class="blockhead">{vb:rawphrase my_settings}</h2>

06-29-2010, 08:04 PM
okay, so i'm creating a NEW style now off of default, and changing style vars one by one... so far by checking after EACH change....till I can find what whacks it out....

06-29-2010, 08:39 PM
if you can not figure it out you can PM me details to get to forum and i can use a program to run a compare to the default and yours and see what is wrong . I do alot of troubleshooting on this forum..you can look me up ... also i work for completevb.com.

06-30-2010, 12:16 AM
Your best getting help in the style thread or at the style makers website.