View Full Version : Not just "Mark as installed" - maybe "Might install"

06-18-2010, 07:59 PM
I see a lot of different things here on vbulletin.org.

I don't like bookmarking mods/pages in the browser. I don't always use the same browser. (I do have Foxmarks/xmarks to at least help me sync browsers across computers, mostly Firefox.)

I don't want to subscribe to the thread/mod, because I don't want to follow posts.

Right now I have to "mark as installed" if I like something. But that's a bit misleading to devs, plus I can forget what actually is and isn't installed.

Consider adding a menu option along the lines of "Like this mod, might install later"
Then on the page that shows your "maybe's", you can choose to change it to installed, should you install it. Any sort of bookmark function on-forum would be great.

Not sure if this would take a lot of work -- but thought I'd throw it out there. :)

06-18-2010, 08:01 PM
There is already feature for this, you can "tag" modifications-- you can get a list of all modifications you have tag via the UserCP dropdown menu at the navbar.