06-16-2010, 04:53 PM
Hi there, im looking for a little help, someone that used to help out on my site set up something for me when we were using vb3. When a user clicked new post it came up with a set group of fields that they had to fill in. (as below) I'm not sure how he did so if anyone could shed any light on it for me i would be really grateful.
Fish Profile:
Common Name: -
Scientific Name: -
Origin: -
Size: -
Minimum Tank Size: -
Is it Reef Safe: -
Diet: -
Parameters: -
Stocking: -
Breading: -
Sexing: -
Price: -
General Information: -
Author: -
Here's how they looked when posted http://www.ocean-wonders.co.uk/messageboard/showthread.php/4965-Pearlscale-Angel-Halfblack-Angel-%28Centropyge-Vrolickii%29
Fish Profile:
Common Name: -
Scientific Name: -
Origin: -
Size: -
Minimum Tank Size: -
Is it Reef Safe: -
Diet: -
Parameters: -
Stocking: -
Breading: -
Sexing: -
Price: -
General Information: -
Author: -
Here's how they looked when posted http://www.ocean-wonders.co.uk/messageboard/showthread.php/4965-Pearlscale-Angel-Halfblack-Angel-%28Centropyge-Vrolickii%29