View Full Version : Somehow borked my "post new thread" posting box...

06-01-2010, 01:28 AM
Hi all,

I have some how constrained my "Post New Thread" entry box to like 455 pixels to the outside of the frame - the attached image shows what I mean.

I can't see what in the main template variables controls that. Most of the other frames and boxes seem normal.

Can someone please point me in the right direction as to what pixel width value to set?

Thanks in advance...

06-05-2010, 06:48 AM
I created a new style without any inherritance and it has a normal new post box... I then compared the main template values with the clean style and even after setting them all the same the problem remains.

Can anyone suggest where I need to look to hunt this down?

I've added a pic which puts the normal "clean" style posting box (green) semi-transparent over the borked one (red as above).

06-05-2010, 09:54 PM
Hey stardotstar :)

Check inside StyleVars for the style (Admin CP -> Style Manage -> StyleVars)
Check the setting for: Form Width (pixels), by default this value is: 640px

I'm guessing you set it to 100% or something which I tried and it emulates your problem :)

06-05-2010, 10:15 PM
Fantastic, Deceptor I would never have fixed this - you know I had set it back to 640 because after playing around to get things tighter I ended up putting some of these back to defaults -but not "reverting" them - as a result this value and lots of others were set at like "640" not "640px" and that was the difference - I clicked revert and it fixed as it put 640px in there.

Thanks for taking the time to notice this and help me with such a quick fix...

Now I wonder what all those other numbers without px after them will be doing to my forums that I have not noticed in this context!