View Full Version : Database from 3.8.4 to 4.0.3 Questions and Advice

05-26-2010, 07:44 PM
OK, Ill try and explain this as simple as I can.

I have a site that's about 6 years old with a few thousand members. Problem is the site originally was very topic specific and over the years we widened the content. So basically it has a bunch of info that doesn't really line up with the sites design. Lets call it site #1

However I do have another site that this content would fit perfectly. Site #2 is brand new with a new installation of VB4.0.3 (separate license) and only the admin account and start up content.

How do I move all the topics that belong on site #2 into the new system?

Site one is a heavily modified 3.8.4. I'm figuring Ill first have to restore it then upgrade to 4.0.3 before importing a copy of the database into site #2

Then remove the unwanted content manually from each.

Am I on the right track with this?

Is there any other way to to accomplish this?

Lastly Ive never actually imported a database. Downloaded a few copies but never added one. Any pointers here would be great also.

Your thoughts and advice are greatly appreciated. Thanks...

06-22-2010, 02:42 AM
if you have a legal copy of vbulletin just read the readme.php or readme.txt file that comes with your 4.0.x