View Full Version : How Control What Links Shows On Main Navbar ?

05-26-2010, 07:21 PM
How Control What Links Shows On Main Navbar ?
How i can Control What Links Shows On Main Navbar ?

how i can remove the forum link from this bar?
all best
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05-26-2010, 10:34 PM
The links are all in the navbar template. There are articles that show how to add more links or navtabs.

05-26-2010, 10:55 PM
I personally gave up on the navbar and made my own... I found it a complete pain to customize visually. I'll be sticking with a completely customized header even when I reintroduce tabs.

That said, it is easy enough to remove tabs from it, just experiment with the navbar template, commenting out bits of code (put <!-- code here --> around it) and refreshing your page to see what it looks like. With enough tinkering, you'll find the right bit to edit out.

For adding tabs, there's a good plugin available in the 4.0 mods section. The plugin can also remove various default tabs, HOWEVER, "Forums" isn't one of the tabs it can remove, so you need to use the method above.