View Full Version : db errors

05-17-2010, 04:20 AM
reaching max number of connections allowed with only a few members online.

my max is 25, hostgator is the host.

any guesses as to whats trigering the connections? I was in the forum when I started getting e-mail on it and only had 5-6 members logged in.


05-19-2010, 03:20 AM
from the host

I looked at your chat transcript, but am not sure how to reproduce this error. Could you please provide the steps necessary to do so? We have automation present on the system which terminates SQL queries if they run for longer than 15 seconds. I see several entries in our logs indicating that you're running queries like "SELECT *", which will perform a full table scan, and will slow down the database for other users.

[**/home/m/public_html/includes]# grep m /var/log/mysql_queries.log
[ 1271616481 ] [ m ] [ 13243524 ] [ 4294967295 ] [ m_m ] [ Sleep ] [ KILLED ] [ ] [ ]
[ 1271739601 ] [ m ] [ 14125638 ] [ 65 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ ] [ UPDATE session
[ 1272260701 ] [ m ] [ 557159 ] [ 34 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ UPDATE session
[ 1272673804 ] [ m ] [ 3823997 ] [ 61 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ INSERT INTO vsa_chatbox
[ 1272673804 ] [ m ] [ 3823998 ] [ 60 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT id
[ 1272673804 ] [ m ] [ 3824000 ] [ 57 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT id
[ 1272673804 ] [ m ] [ 3824002 ] [ 57 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT id
[ 1272673804 ] [ m ] [ 3824024 ] [ 48 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT id
[ 1272673804 ] [ m ] [ 3824027 ] [ 46 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT id
[ 1272673804 ] [ m ] [ 3824028 ] [ 46 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT id
[ 1272673804 ] [ m ] [ 3824031 ] [ 44 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT id
[ 1272673804 ] [ m ] [ 3824037 ] [ 41 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT id
[ 1272673804 ] [ m ] [ 3824060 ] [ 32 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT id
[ 1272673804 ] [ m ] [ 3824078 ] [ 21 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT id
[ 1272673804 ] [ m ] [ 3824079 ] [ 21 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT id
[ 1272676861 ] [ m ] [ 3837612 ] [ 27 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ DELETE FROM vsa_chatbox WHERE dateline < '1272673234' ]
[ 1272676861 ] [ m ] [ 3837624 ] [ 23 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT id
[ 1272676861 ] [ m ] [ 3837636 ] [ 19 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT id
[ 1272676861 ] [ m ] [ 3837645 ] [ 16 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT id
[ 1272676861 ] [ m ] [ 3837646 ] [ 16 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT id
[ 1272692881 ] [ m ] [ 3965735 ] [ 107 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ UPDATE session
[ 1272864241 ] [ m ] [ 5322917 ] [ 64 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ UPDATE session
[ 1272864241 ] [ m ] [ 5322935 ] [ 60 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT *
[ 1272864241 ] [ m ] [ 5322999 ] [ 38 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT *
[ 1272864241 ] [ m ] [ 5323001 ] [ 37 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT *
[ 1272864241 ] [ m ] [ 5323015 ] [ 31 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT *
[ 1272864241 ] [ m ] [ 5323021 ] [ 28 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT *
[ 1274001121 ] [ m ] [ 14638770 ] [ 33 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ UPDATE vsavilxh_guests
[ 1274063041 ] [ m ] [ 15097272 ] [ 39 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ INSERT IGNORE INTO session
[ 1274063041 ] [ m ] [ 15097276 ] [ 38 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT *
[ 1274063041 ] [ m ] [ 15097281 ] [ 37 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT *
[ 1274063041 ] [ m ] [ 15097285 ] [ 36 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT *
[ 1274063041 ] [ m ] [ 15097286 ] [ 36 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT *
[ 1274063041 ] [ m ] [ 15097308 ] [ 28 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT *
[ 1274063041 ] [ m ] [ 15097310 ] [ 28 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT *
[ 1274063041 ] [ m ] [ 15097331 ] [ 24 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT *
[ 1274063041 ] [ m ] [ 15097341 ] [ 21 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ 'hg' ] [ SELECT *
[ 1274074742 ] [ m ] [ 15165401 ] [ 21 ] [ m_m ] [ Query ] [ KILLED ] [ ] [ UPDATE session
[ /home/m/public_html/includes]#

05-19-2010, 05:41 AM
Looks like you have a hack causing problems. Have you tried disabling plugins to see if that clears things up?

I am also with Hostagtor and have never run into anything like this. And where did you see that your max connections are 25?

05-19-2010, 01:18 PM
Looks like you have a hack causing problems. Have you tried disabling plugins to see if that clears things up?

I am also with Hostagtor and have never run into anything like this. And where did you see that your max connections are 25?

log on to the Cpanle, and you can see them on the left pane under :processes" click to view tham.

05-19-2010, 01:24 PM
I sent in a ticket last night to ask them about that, and this is the reply I got a little while ago:

There is a maximum concurrent database connections limit. This is set to 25 database connections simultaneously per database username. This means each database username you use can have a maximum of 25 connections at one time. This does not directly relate to the amount of users you can have online at once on your site, since queries open and close in fractions of a second usually, so connections don't typically overlap or build up to 25 unless under very heavy traffic or if queries are taking an unusual amount of time to execute.

I would look at the vsa_chatbox hack, I think.

Looks like I might be looking for another host.

05-19-2010, 01:41 PM
I sent in a ticket last night to ask them about that, and this is the reply I got a little while ago:

I would look at the vsa_chatbox hack, I think.

Looks like I might be looking for another host.

I know another guy that is using hostgator and is getting the same errors lately.