View Full Version : Suggestion: Support ticket tool

05-14-2010, 10:14 PM
A very nice and serious feature would be a support ticket system. Today we use Hesk and it works just fine, but an integration with vbulletin would just be so much nicer.

Is this possible to do within the PT project?

05-16-2010, 10:09 AM
you can use it like ticket

make new project and put the permission

Ryan Ashbrook
05-16-2010, 09:06 PM
You can create a new Issue Type called "Tickets" and set Statuses to things such as Unanswered, Awaiting Feedback, Answered, etc.

You can create new Issue Types via Admin CP -> Issue Type Manager

If you want to make it act as a true support system, then I also recommend disallowing non-staff from viewing others issues.

You can do that by going to ACP -> Project Permissions -> *Your Project down at the bottom* -> Edit Permissions -> *All Non-Staff Usergroups* -> Edit -> General Permissions -> Can View Others' Issues -> No.

Note to self, make this less complicated. Make a shortcut or something?

05-18-2010, 10:09 AM
Ok, fine. But it doesn´t give me the automated features such as confirmation mail sent to client and/or ticket issue ref. number.

This will be a variant of a projekt manager, but not really a good ticket system. Hesk has al of these nice features, and i guess i will just stick to it, but it would have been nice to make an integration.

05-18-2010, 04:09 PM
There are some features missing, that would make it a better ticket system:

Email notification to poster (customer)
Better admin overview (list all open / unreplied issues)
Users overview (my issues)

I am still starting to try out PT 2.1 for my new support / ticket system on because of it's integration with vB. As of todays version it also displays in vB4.0 style

King Kovifor
05-18-2010, 06:07 PM
There is subscriptions that accomplish your first point,

Reports can accomplish the remaining two (my Issues is a search pre-defined on the user profile). Reports are saved searches, and remember search parameters.

05-18-2010, 07:35 PM
Thanks King!

Yes of course you are right. I was kind of looking for something "ready made" but this should work just as well or better.

So we pretty much have a ticket / support / customer feedback system after some text modifications. Me like!