View Full Version : How to merge two forums 1.1.6

08-01-2001, 03:45 AM
How to merge two forums in one big forum ? I mean that I have two forums of the same version and I want to use forum1 as main forum and import forum2 data into forum1 (This include users/threads/posts/bbcodes/smiles/icons/users titles/categories/forums and permissions) If this is too difficult so at least we need to import users/threads/posts automatically and I'll import other tables manually.

Please note that we don't need to import templates since we have the same version 1.1.6 on both forum1 and forum2.

Please advice.
Aziz :)
Customer Number: edited out -james

08-01-2001, 07:32 AM
This isn't an easy task but it is possible.
You need to do some custom sql queries to change the ID's of the various records in the post, thread, user tables etc.

It is possible though, it has been done a couple of times in the past I believe. There are also plans to create a merge script (though this would be for v2 I think) in the future, but not yet.

08-01-2001, 08:04 AM
You absolutely right it's not easy:confused: , I thought the biggest prblem will be in the users list (repetition) and post table also need a lot of modification as you said.

Any way I just put the idea here and may be we'll see something this regard in the future.

Thank you and best regards,
Aziz :)

11-11-2001, 11:34 PM
by respect for everybody's time, I did not cross post.
kindly check it out here