View Full Version : update

05-06-2010, 05:06 AM
I am really newbie with vbulletin, right now I need to update my forum with Security patch: 4.0.2 Suite PL4 (includes PL1-3). I just read the instruction by this posting http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?346897-Security-Patch-Release-4.0.2-PL4, because I am a new with vb, I am so confuse when by the instruction I have to upload the files into the directory of my vbulletin..the problem is the name of folder that I have asked to upload by the instruction is already in my vbulletin directory. If I still want to upload, all the folder will be rewrite, the exist folder have many files but the new just a few or maybe one..please help me

05-06-2010, 09:08 AM
Well, first you should make a backup of your site and your database.

Now set your site offline. Then you can upload the files included in the patch, overwrite the files that are already in your site directory, so that you have your old files and the few new ones replace a few of the older ones.

Then run the script linked in the article, and set your site back online.

That's all. Then you can check if everything works if it is supposed to do..

05-06-2010, 09:44 AM
before setting the site online, you can test the site as an administrator.

as administrator you have full acces to the website, if there are plugin's not working you could consider to temperarly disable them until the coder update there product.

this is how i do it normaly.

i also have a test site, which is exactly the same as the live site. so if there is an update i always perform this update first on the test site if this goes well then the live site will be updated.