View Full Version : [How to] Send Auto PM in vb4.0

05-02-2010, 10:00 PM
In this article I am going to explain you how to send a PM with the Vbulletin 4.0.X

it is based on this article
written by Andreas

global $vbulletin;

require_once(DIR . "/includes/class_dm.php");
require_once(DIR . "/includes/class_dm_pm.php");
//pm system
$pmSystem = new vB_DataManager_PM( $vbulletin );

//pm Titel / Text
$pnTitel = "Your Title for the PM";
$pnText = "This is pm which was created automatically. Please do not reply to this pm.";

$pmSystem->verify_message( $pnText );
$pmSystem->verify_title( $pnTitel );

//Set the fields
$pmSystem->set('fromuserid', 1);
$pmSystem->set('fromusername', 'Meeting Bot');
$pmSystem->set('title', $pnTitel);
$pmSystem->set('message', $pnText);
$pmSystem->set('dateline', TIMENOW);
$pmSystem->set('iconid', 4);


//"send" pn
if ( $pmSystem->pre_save() === false )
if ($pmSystem->errors) {
return $pmSystem->errors;

That's it basically. Lets go through those lines:

Firstly it is to say, that you have to use the following three 3 lines if you are excluding that code in a class or function in a folder like /includes.

global $vbulletin;
require_once(DIR . "/includes/class_dm.php");
require_once(DIR . "/includes/class_dm_pm.php");

Those will provide you the usage of the whole system. I assume, that you dont need those lines if you already included the global.php! - But I am not that shure maybe somebody could confirm that.

Anyway lets continue:
Before we can start setting anykind of information, we need a class with which we can work, this class is called "vB_DataManager_PM" it extends "vB_DataManager". (that is the reason why we had to require 2 classes from the /includes directory).

"vB_DataManager_PM" works with the table: "pmtext" of your database.

However we have to give her the registry, which is $vbulletin.
So it should like this:

$pmSystem = new vB_DataManager_PM( $vbulletin );

from now on "$pmSystem" represents our class and we are finally able to set things up for sending a pm - so lets do it:

Before I actually set the message and the title to the PM I want to make shure, that it is ok and that there are no unallowed things inside.

$pmSystem->verify_message( $pnText );
$pmSystem->verify_title( $pnTitel );

(Just to let you know if you did not recognize it, I was creating two variables for the text and the title earlier in the script I had shown above)

After that we do the actual PM set up:

$pmSystem->set('fromuserid', 1);
$pmSystem->set('fromusername', 'PM Bot');
$pmSystem->set('title', $pnTitel);
$pmSystem->set('message', $pnText);
$pmSystem->set('dateline', TIMENOW);
$pmSystem->set('iconid', 4);


We say:

The PM is from the User with the ID 1
The name of the sender is "PM Bot" - it doesn't have to be the name of the user with the id
We set up the title!
After that the message
Now we need a date time when it was sent
The iconid is not required, in this case it represents the red one with the ! symbol
Who will get the message, you can provide more recipients by doing it as followed "user1;user2;user3;user4;..." Important is just the ; which identifies the list and another user

So lets send our PM or not?

Before we actually send we can check if it successes by:


This will return "true" or "false" - obviously true represents that it will be successfull and false it wont!

So in the case shown above we say:
if its possible and everything is fine, then: send it! ($pmSystem->save();)
otherwise check if there are errors!

if there are errors, then print them.

That is it. You should now be able to automatically send a message with the Vbulletin 4.0.X

What can you do after reading this article?
Have a look at the API

I hope that I was able to help at least one person! Because it took me like three hours to figure this out!!! Enjoy, maybe you could write for what you are using automatic PMs

All the best,
Bjoern aka bpr

05-07-2010, 03:16 PM
Is it mass PM to all members?

05-07-2010, 04:45 PM
No, it is an article to show how you can automatically send a pm !

05-10-2010, 07:35 PM
This is the code from my mod:
$dm =& datamanager_init('PM', $vbulletin);
$dm->set('fromuserid', 1);
$dm->set('fromusername', 'Jaxel');
$dm->set('title', "this is a test title");
$dm->set('message', "this is a test message");
$dm->set('dateline', TIMENOW);
$dm->set_recipients('testaccount', $botpermissions);
$dm->overridequota = true;

As you can see, there are no mistakes in this code... however it prompts the following error:
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.3:

Invalid SQL:
(fromuserid, fromusername, title, message, dateline, touserarray, pmtextid) VALUES
(1, 'Jaxel', 'this is a test title', 'this is a test message', 1273475035, 'a:1:{s:3:\"bcc\";a:1:{i:2;s:11:\"testaccount\";}}', 5);

MySQL Error : Duplicate entry '5' for key 1
Error Number : 1062
Request Date : Monday, May 10th 2010 @ 03:03:55 AM
Error Date : Monday, May 10th 2010 @ 03:03:56 AM
Script : ...../media_ajax.php?do=comment
Referrer : ...../media/m621-algol-killer-combos
IP Address : ....
Username : testaccount
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :

Stack Trace:

#0 vB_Database->halt() called in [path]/includes/class_core.php on line 421
#1 vB_Database->execute_query() called in [path]/includes/class_core.php on line 439
#2 vB_Database->query_write() called in [path]/includes/class_dm.php on line 740
#3 vB_DataManager->db_insert() called in [path]/includes/class_dm.php on line 890
#4 vB_DataManager->save() called in [path]/media/media_comment.php on line 80
#5 require_once([path]/media/media_comment.php) called in [path]/media_ajax.php on line 87

It looks like the system attempts to input the PMTEXT into the database twice... anyone know how to fix?

05-12-2010, 12:34 PM
hmm looks interesting,
I had never developed for 3.X and dont have that much experience with the 4.X but why are you not using

$dm = new vB_DataManager_PM( $vbulletin );

and does the same happen if you use it like I wrote in the article ?

i dont think it would change something .... but I also dont have any idea, why it tries to write it twice in the db

05-12-2010, 01:18 PM
1. require_once(DIR . "/includes/class_dm.php");
require_once(DIR . "/class_dm_pm.php"); is wrong;)
the second file is also in the includes folder

2. that wouldn't happen if you would use datamanager_init;)

05-12-2010, 02:22 PM
1. require_once(DIR . "/includes/class_dm.php");
require_once(DIR . "/class_dm_pm.php"); is wrong;)
the second file is also in the includes folder

2. that wouldn't happen if you would use datamanager_init;)

1. thanks ragtek i was changing it immediately

2. ah sounds good, why is nobody saying those kind of things : (

05-19-2010, 04:06 AM
Here's how i would make it in vB4 ;)

$pmSystem = datamanager_init('PM', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_ARRAY);

//pm Titel / Text
$pnTitel = "Your Title for the PM";
$pnText = "This is pm which was created automatically. Please do not reply to this pm.";

$pmSystem->verify_message( $pnText );
$pmSystem->verify_title( $pnTitel );

//Set the fields
$pmSystem->set('fromuserid', 1);
$pmSystem->set('fromusername', 'Meeting Bot');
$pmSystem->set_r('title', $pnTitel);
$pmSystem->set_r('message', $pnText);
$pmSystem->set('dateline', TIMENOW);
$pmSystem->set('iconid', 4);


if ( $pmSystem->pre_save() === false )
if ($pmSystem->errors) {
# do something with $pmSystem->errors array for example
# because youre return helps not, $pmSystem->errors is a array;)
# so you could do for debuging a var_dump or die(print_r( ....

require_once DIR . '/includes/functions_newpost.php';
$template_errors = construct_errors($errors);
# now you can use $template_errors for a nice output;)
$show['pmerror'] = true;
$newpmid = $pmSystem->save();

05-24-2010, 12:50 AM
ragtek your so mean lol! Couldv'e atleast just pointed out what spots he did wrong :)

05-24-2010, 08:43 AM
ragtek your so mean lol! Couldv'e atleast just pointed out what spots he did wrong :)

And why i'm that?
I've commented everything in the code...

But ok, i've seen that the big part of the user here don't need help in making the code better....

The "only" thing you'll get when you help somebody, are some "very friendly" messages in the forum or per skype/icq "why i attack other users which are helping,etc......."

07-24-2011, 02:03 AM
Hello everyone, I have been trying to get my code to work but every time I run this file all I get is internal server errors everytime. What am I doing wrong?? Here is my php file:


global $vbulletin;

require_once(DIR . "/includes/class_dm.php");
require_once(DIR . "/includes/class_dm_pm.php");
//pm system
$pmSystem = new vB_DataManager_PM( $vbulletin );

//pm Titel / Text
$pnTitel = "Your Title for the PM";
$pnText = "This is pm which was created automatically. Please do not reply to this pm.";

$pmSystem->verify_message( $pnText );
$pmSystem->verify_title( $pnTitel );

//Set the fields
$pmSystem->set('fromuserid', 1);
$pmSystem->set('fromusername', 'AWDevelopment');
$pmSystem->set('title', $pnTitel);
$pmSystem->set('message', $pnText);
$pmSystem->set('dateline', TIMENOW);
$pmSystem->set('iconid', 4);


//"send" pn
if ( $pmSystem->pre_save() === false )
if ($pmSystem->errors) {
return $pmSystem->errors;


Please Help...?:)

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GOT IT! Just needed to add this file to a new scheduled task and done! WORKS!