04-29-2010, 07:45 PM
Sitemap problem still exists
I don't know about everyone else but I use google web tools
and everyday i check my site maps,
On my vb site every time the sitemap changes automatically i get this error in my site maps
Empty Sitemap
Your Sitemap does not contain any URLs. Please validate and resubmit your Sitemap.
, I use the xmlsitemap.php to point to my sitemaps
now i can go into the files and look and sometime they will be there and this time the files are not even in the folder, what file is in there today is vbulletin_sitemap_forum_0_21.xml.gz , I opened the file and it has the sitemap info but where are the other 2 files ?
the other 2 files that should be there are gone, deleted in the rebuild process i would imagine.
so the VB program has a bug, the sitemap generator does not work and never has, It will generate the first sitemaps in the file its supposed to as long as the permissions are correct. But only the first time it runs.
when it over writes those files or deletes them automatically then rewrites them back into the file something goes wrong.
the files are written back EMPTY.
there is no
now this time with the files not even being generated I Know its A vb problem, Its not my server its, not the file permissions, because the sitemaps have been generated and excepted by google, so the first generation was good.
I don't know about everyone else but I use google web tools
and everyday i check my site maps,
On my vb site every time the sitemap changes automatically i get this error in my site maps
Empty Sitemap
Your Sitemap does not contain any URLs. Please validate and resubmit your Sitemap.
, I use the xmlsitemap.php to point to my sitemaps
now i can go into the files and look and sometime they will be there and this time the files are not even in the folder, what file is in there today is vbulletin_sitemap_forum_0_21.xml.gz , I opened the file and it has the sitemap info but where are the other 2 files ?
the other 2 files that should be there are gone, deleted in the rebuild process i would imagine.
so the VB program has a bug, the sitemap generator does not work and never has, It will generate the first sitemaps in the file its supposed to as long as the permissions are correct. But only the first time it runs.
when it over writes those files or deletes them automatically then rewrites them back into the file something goes wrong.
the files are written back EMPTY.
there is no
now this time with the files not even being generated I Know its A vb problem, Its not my server its, not the file permissions, because the sitemaps have been generated and excepted by google, so the first generation was good.