View Full Version : Freddie

Reef Board
07-31-2001, 04:43 AM
This isn't that big of a deal because its just an "enhancement" change really but what I am trying to do is change like ( in online.php ) from

} else {
$userinfo[where] = "Viewing Thread <a href='showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&postid=$userinfo[postid]'>".$thread[title][$post[$userinfo[postid]]]."</a>";


} else {
$userinfo[where] = "Reading: <a href='showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&postid=$userinfo[postid]'>".$thread[title][$post[$userinfo[postid]]]."</a>";.

The error that I was getting was posted in the 2.0.2 discussion thread.


Freddie Bingham
07-31-2001, 04:44 AM
Thats fine, you must have had a typo.

Reef Board
07-31-2001, 04:47 AM
Ok - I'll try this again and see if the error still comes up. I'll let you know in a few mins.


Reef Board
07-31-2001, 04:54 AM
Ok - never mind.

I guess this was a typo or somthing. Hmm..
