View Full Version : Chat Modifications - [Shout/Chatbox] GCBOS - Generic Chat Box Operating System [vB3]

04-16-2010, 10:00 PM
GCBOS - Generic Chat Box Operating System
by VertiCode UK (http://www.verticode.net/)

GCBOS is a command-based chat client written in PHP for vBulletin 3 & 4, the original modification was written by dinnerbone for vBulletin 3.7.

-vBulletin 4 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=1914816)

-Topic and Reply notifications
-Simple to use commands
-Chat permissions
-Hide chatbox from usergroups
-Allow guests to view
-The ability to use similes and BB code
-Show who is using GCBOS on who's online
-Edit and delete messages
-Ability to prune the chat

RapidBug (http://www.rapidbug.info/)

- Impersonate: Makes <user> say <message ...>
- Usage: /say <user> <message ...>
- Example: /say "Basfreak" I like to touch myself at night.
- Mute User: Mutes <user>, preventing them from talking.
- Usage: /mute <user ..>
- Example: /mute Forum Troll
- Unmute User: Unmutes <user>, allowing them to talk.
- Usage: /unmute <user ..>
- Example: /unmute Forum Troll
- Edit Message: Edits message <messageid>, setting the new text to <message ..>
- Usage: /edit <messageid> <message ..>
- Example: /edit 1337 I'm in your message, stealing your texts.
- Delete message: Deletes message <messageid>.
- Usage: /delete <messageid>
- Example: /delete 1497
- Toggle Truesight: If enabled allows you to see who actually sent a message
- Usage: /truesight <0 or 1>
- Example: /truesight 1
- Clear Messages: Clears GCBOS, deleting all messages. Only you will see this.
- Usage: /clear
- Example: /clear
- List Muted Users: Lists all muted users
- Usage: /listmuted
- Example: /listmuted
- Private Message: Sends a private message to <user>
- Usage: /pm <user> <message ...>
- Example: /pm "Kanye West" Do you like fishsticks?
- List Ignored: Lists all users you are currently ignoring
- Usage: /listignores
- Example: /listignores
- Ignore User: Ignores all messages from <username ...>, preventing them from showing.
- Usage: /ignore <username ...>
- Example: /ignore Just Another Forum Troll
- Unignore User: Stops messages from <username ...> from being ignored.
- Usage: /unignore <username ...>
- Example: /unignore Dinnerbone
- Set Notice: Sets the notice to <notice>
- Usage: /notice <message ..>
- Example: /notice Welcome your new overlords!
- User Action: Perform an action, useful for role playing.
- Usage: /me <action ...>
- Example: /me dances
- Help: Displays this help menu
- Usage: /help
- Example: /help
- Prune Messages: Deletes all messages in GCBOS, this cannot be undone
- Usage: /prune
- Example: /prune

When using a command with 'parameters', you may either enter each parameter in the form of:
/command param1 param2 param3
However if the parameter contains spaces you must enclose it in quotes, such as:
/command "parameter 1" 'parameter2' param3.
You may edit messages by double clicking on them (If you have permission to do so), delete messages by clicking on the '#' in front of your messages, send a user a private message by single clicking their name, or speed up/slow down the speed messages are typed at by pressing the 'up' or 'down' arrow keys on your keyboard.

GCBOS was released under the MPL on google code please see http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html or view LICENSE.txt

-vBulletin 3.x
-Litespeed webserver
-PHP 5.2.x
-PHP 5.3 (if references are enabled)

PHP 5.3
For GCBOS to work with PHP 5.3 you must have
allow_call_time_pass_reference set to On

-Upload the contents of the upload folder
-Import product-gcbos.xml
-Set usergroup permissions
-Insert <!-- {SHOUTBOX} --> into the template you want it to display in (EG FORUMHOME, FORUMDISPLAY) or at the bottom of navbar
-Navigate to vBulletin Settings->GCBOS set the forum restrictions to disable topic notifications or disable them by selecting no
-Add gcbos.php?action=page to your navbar if desired :)

-Overwrite all files then import the product
-Edit permissions as required

04-17-2010, 04:40 PM
--Working on vB4
--Recoded style

--Improvements to style
--Added submit button
--Fixed template bug

--Changed the style of /me
--Fixed new template bugs that caused the submit button to display incorrectly

--Fixed Who's online location

--Fixed a HTML issue that caused issues on some browsers (un needed table tag, unsure how it got left in)
--Fixed an extra tag in enlarge or shrink options
--Reduced the amount of AJAX requests made

--Fixed an issues with PHP 5.3

-0.6.6 PL1
--Fixed a issue with older versions of Internet Explorer

--Fixed an issue with vBulletin CMS
--Fixed an issue with PHP 5.3
--Fixed bad version number

--Issue with forums loading
--First shout on installation
--Minor tweaks

---This version shows messages instantly and does not type them, in the next day or so i will upload a dual version that allows you to choose your preference.
--Fixed template error
--Adjusted template to work with the sidebar
--Change JS settings
--Changed style of shouts
--Changed style of PM's
--Added permissions for /impersonate and /truesight
--Changed Messages to show instantly (I will provide a typing version and instant at a later date)
--Added phrases

--Changed the way the product is displayed
--Fixed compatibility issues with other products
--Fixed depreciated issues with PHP 5.3
--Fixed a template issue

-0.7.06 (0.7 Gold / Final)
--Fixes for broken commands in 0.6.10
--Alert on new topic
--Messages display instantly
--Check README for instructions on PHP5.3+
--Fixed an xml error
--Fixed SQL error
--Fixed template errors
--Optimised for vB4
--Removed vB3 specific code
--Fixed a white screen (php error) when infracting users
--Added topic reply notifications
--Fixed a 'important' issue with topic reply notifications
--Option to disable notifications for New topics and New reply's individually
--Fixed gcbos showing post editing as a reply
--UTF8 support (i have tested English characters and Arabic on my iis7 install) and Macheath confirmed it working on her site.

--GCBOS Page: http://yoursite.com/forum/gcbos.php?action=page
--Fixes for PHP5.3

--Added support for vBulletin 3.x

-- Fixed comand system (/help /listmuted /clear now work again)
-- Updated the vBulletin 3.x version to be in lockstep with the vB4 build

Q: My board uses UTF-8 or another nonstandard charset how can i fix this?
A: because UTF-8 is not vBulletin's default charset the data is incorrectly displayed. The fastest way to fix this is to open your admin panel select "Languages and Phrases" then Language Manager. Now hit edit settings on the language you are using and 7 options down you will see "HTML Character Set" change this to UTF-8 (default is ISO-8859-1).

Q: GCBOS always says loading how can i fix this?
A: The header include hooks is either missing or not working simply view your pages source and check if you can see gcbos.js if you cant please re-read the installation instructions and make sure all the steps have been followed.

Q: My host uses PHP 5.3 or above how do i make GCBOS work?
A: It should work by default (GCBOS sets 'allow_call_time_pass_reference' to on at runtime) if this doesnt work consult your host

If you encounter any bugs please post as much detail as possible to help me find a solution this includes SQL errors and screen shots if you are not comfortable posting the error please PM me.

04-19-2010, 07:42 AM
Thanks for the mod, but I have a problem with it. I uploaded and installed it as mentioned above. But when I go to "/forums/gcbos.php?action=page" I get these messages, repeatedly. :(

Thanks in advance.

vBulletin version: 3.8.4 / Apache v2.2.8 / MySQL 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.5 / PHP 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.10

04-19-2010, 04:57 PM
Thanks for the mod, but I have a problem with it. I uploaded and installed it as mentioned above. But when I go to "/forums/gcbos.php?action=page" I get these messages, repeatedly. :(

Thanks in advance.

vBulletin version: 3.8.4 / Apache v2.2.8 / MySQL 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.5 / PHP 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.10

Can you open gcbos.php on the second line can you replace:

error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);


error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_WARNING);

And tell me if this works for you?

If so i will include it in a future update along with some other minor tweaks.

04-20-2010, 09:57 AM
Just a blank white page with the following error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in /var/hosts/www/forums/gcbos.php on line 2

04-21-2010, 12:04 AM
I <3 you for this Jordan

04-21-2010, 12:59 AM
It has an auto scrolling... even when no one is writing :(.. I wish this would be fixed soon.
Installed... awesome mod :)

04-21-2010, 01:45 PM
Just a blank white page with the following error:

Can you pm me that file that single change shouldn't have broken it.

04-22-2010, 01:51 AM
If you're still getting the error, replace your current class_gcbos.php with the file in my attachment and problem solved.

06-23-2010, 04:53 PM
the mod does not work in german language. vbulletin has not utf8 as default charset ! So ????.... does not display correct. I have removed the utf8 encode but thats not solve the chat message.

sorry for my realy bad english :)

greets uwe

07-01-2010, 02:58 PM
in the above chat is actually a great pity Mod all the news not from the English speaking area come here to be ignored! For this mod does not work with special characters such as those in Europ. Space are common. UTF8 is just not the default character set of VB! Usually mods work with the character set iso so the usual character set are encoded properly.

Maybe I can enforce my post with an answer, otherwise only remains to uninstall. Too bad really.

Mickie D
07-08-2010, 07:10 PM
Sorry I posted in the 3.7 version by accident :(

Anyway this chat just auto scrolls even if no one is typing a message ?

There should be a way to switch this off.


07-10-2010, 06:14 AM
it's a great shoutbox, wish is were a bit more full-featured for chat...

07-13-2010, 07:09 AM
If you're still getting the error, replace your current class_gcbos.php with the file in my attachment and problem solved.

THANK YOU i have been looking for a fix for this EVERYWHERE!!!!

01-08-2011, 08:10 AM
the mod does not work in german language. vbulletin has not utf8 as default charset ! So ????.... does not display correct. I have removed the utf8 encode but thats not solve the chat message.

sorry for my realy bad english :)

greets uwe

Same problem!!!!! but in italian... ? -> ?

01-08-2011, 08:20 AM
Same problem!!!!! but in italian... ? -> ?

The Vb4 version supports UTF-8, is it possible to have the same feature for this version?

01-08-2011, 08:36 AM
Open gcbos.php and comment @120:
//$message['message'] = utf8_encode($message['message']);

Open your database and set "utf8_unicode_ci" on the message collation.

11-27-2011, 07:28 PM
Thanks for the mod, but I have a problem with it. I uploaded and installed it as mentioned above. But when I go to "/forums/gcbos.php?action=page" I get these messages, repeatedly. :(

Thanks in advance.

vBulletin version: 3.8.4 / Apache v2.2.8 / MySQL 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.5 / PHP 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.10

Same problem, I did what you advised this guy and its still the same.

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [path]/includes/class_gcbos.php:721) in [path]/gcbos.php on line 187