View Full Version : Mod Help

04-17-2010, 04:46 AM
I have a vb mod I acquired from a source outside of this site.

The Source I acquired it from is unwilling to help me!

The Mod is an XML document which up until the update that changed the vb_salt value from 3 to 30 worked great.
The problem I am having is:

1. I don,t know enough php or MY SQL to properly do it myself. I am reading as much as possible to try to learn.

2. The XML contains a MY SQL query that requires a mysql_real_escape_string for the vb_salt, the vb_salt is producing characters that cause a database error since the update.

3.there is other information in the string and I don't know if all of it has to be escaped or if you are able to only escape one aspect of the string

4.there is other information in the XML document and I don't know where to place the escape_string within the file.

5. I don't know where to place a request like this one or if a request of this nature is allowed on this site so Please Please forgive me If I am out of bounds in any way I just don't know where else to turn and vBulletin.org has been the most helpful site since I started using vBulletin

04-17-2010, 06:08 AM
Your requests are legit..
If your developing the mod yourself (learning by doing)
then you need to be alot more detailed and specifik about problems
and then use the Vb4 Programming Discussion (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=252) if you want someone
to help or do the work for you then you want :

Modification requests (unpaid services) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=112)

Various requests (paid services) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=30)


04-19-2010, 04:14 PM
Thank you for your help
What kind of information am I missing that I could provide that would make things easier for future posts?