View Full Version : I made a Windows Sidebar Gadget for vb4

04-16-2010, 06:50 PM
I recently did some research and came across a forum that had a Windows Sidebar Gadget for their members that displays the 10 most recent threads on their forum, so I decided to try the idea myself. After much tweaking and playing around I finally got it to work. Of course it works with external.php and it's set to refresh every 1 minute, and that is where I ran into a problem. It seems that it refreshes but not all the time like it should. I've looked over the code countless times and I still don't understand why it's not refreshing correctly. If someone here could take a look at the code or wish to get into further development with me I would appreciate it. The refresh part of the code is below and also an attached screen shot of the end product.

<script type="text/jscript" language="jscript">
function init()
var oBackground = document.getElementById("imgBackground");
oBackground.src = "gadgetheader.png)";
var t = window.setTimeout('refresh()', 60000);
function refresh()
window.location.reload( true );
var t = window.setTimeout('refresh()', 60000);