View Full Version : Showing my own videos

04-12-2010, 07:01 AM
Is there a way using vbulletin 4 to have my own made videos (captured from xbox 360) uploaded so my members can watch the footage.
I dont want to be limited by utube file sizes so haveing them stored on my own server would be great,Any ideas please are welcome as im totally new to doing this type of stuff.

04-12-2010, 06:01 PM
As long as you an get them as an HTML code you can put them on there. I recommend using Vimeo Plus, if your are not familiar with web hosting videos on your own. Vimeo Plus allows 5GB's per week, a customizable player, and good video quality.

I pretty much do all video on my site.


04-12-2010, 07:12 PM
Thanks mate i will have a look now!

04-14-2010, 08:00 PM
Got to say that Vimeo Plus is superb thanks again very helpful m8

04-15-2010, 09:18 PM
no worries, good luck

04-18-2010, 05:35 PM
As long as you an get them as an HTML code you can put them on there. I recommend using Vimeo Plus, if your are not familiar with web hosting videos on your own. Vimeo Plus allows 5GB's per week, a customizable player, and good video quality.

I pretty much do all video on my site.


Just for my clarity .... :)

You store all your videos on the Vimeo site (no limit to uploaded file size), then you embed them for playback to your members from your VB4 site? Nice site BTW .. :up:

I've been struggling with how to handle a lot of our videos which are used by our collector community, as to whether to host them internal on our own server, or use something external, but I don't want them to be publicly accessible if they're external.

If I use the internal method, what would be the best player to build in for our website and is what is the best recommended file type for streaming so the video starts playing right away?

Thanks for your help and advice ... :)


04-18-2010, 07:48 PM
Theres also the media mod just come out for vbull 4.0 in the mods section,This may be of help if you wish to store you videos on say utube or veemo and have them embeded in a nice section on your site!

04-18-2010, 07:55 PM
Theres also the media mod just come out for vbull 4.0 in the mods section,This may be of help if you wish to store you videos on say utube or veemo and have them embeded in a nice section on your site!

Thanks, but I don't think Vimeo is going to work for us ...

Checked them out, however, it appears yhey have some very restrictive rules on content. We are a research site and need to show videos that are not copyrighted and public domain, which they don't permit. Odd site agreement, but it kind of rules them our as an option for our 12,000 members.

Thanks anyway ... :)
