View Full Version : Does stock vB4 NOT have a Way to Resize Large Image Attachments?

04-07-2010, 07:10 AM

Is there a way with stock vB4, to automatically resize the file size of large image attachments?

For example, if I have my image attachment permissions set to only allow a 1000 pixel by 750 pixel image, that is 200k max file size, and someone tries to upload a file that is 2000 pixels by 1500 pixels and 500k in size, is there any way to automatically resize it, save the smaller file size, and ALLOW the attachment upload?

With stock vB?
With a mod?

Thanks in advance for the feedback!
:D Jeff

04-07-2010, 11:08 PM
There is a bug I believe with the image attachment sizes that hopefully will be fixed in 4.0.3.

I know you can insert images with the restrictions, but an attachment doesn't work unless you make it a thumbnail. But then when you turn on thumnails all your images become thumbnails.

Its a bug I believe they are working on.

04-08-2010, 04:09 AM
There is a bug I believe with the image attachment sizes that hopefully will be fixed in 4.0.3.

I know you can insert images with the restrictions, but an attachment doesn't work unless you make it a thumbnail. But then when you turn on thumnails all your images become thumbnails.

Its a bug I believe they are working on.


Thanks for the feedback!

So, once they fix the bug, then stock vB will automatically reduce the file size of attached or uploaded images, to be within the guidlines set by the admin?

Thanks again.
:D Jeff