View Full Version : Pulling Up Vbulletin Threads To Use On Another Site

04-06-2010, 04:02 PM
We have a website that publishes articles. We have a separate web server that contains our forums. Each article published on the site automatically creates a discussion thread for that article on the forum.

What I'd LIKE to do would be to pull up the current thread from Vbulletin and put all the comments at the bottom of the article, so that people can see all the comments that have been left.

To do that, I'd need is some sort of VBulletin API that allows me to pull up all the comments in a given thread, and hopefully fed back in some sort of JSON/XML style format so that I can parse them on the server.

Is there some sort of script (or developers' guide) that would tell me how to do this?


04-06-2010, 04:15 PM
Simply write a php script that queries the forum database for the information you need based on parameters passed to it by url and have the output formatted as xml or whatever you want. Then parse the xml on your webpage.

04-14-2010, 06:07 PM
Simply write a php script that queries the forum database for the information you need based on parameters passed to it by url and have the output formatted as xml or whatever you want. Then parse the xml on your webpage.

I can do that, but then if vBulletin changes their database design on a given upgrade, I'm up the creek. Which is why I'd prefer to do it through the API; it's much clunkier, but also hopefully more bulletproof.

So does anyone have any ideas on how to do that?