View Full Version : Most questions / threads go unanswered here?

04-04-2010, 01:20 PM
Am I missing something here? Am I posting in the right places? It seems like most threads and questions go unanswered. Is their another forum someone can recommend so we can can help faster or at all? One would think their would be plenty of people here that would have crossed just about every bridge with regard to VB problems and issues.....but?

Thanks in advance.

04-04-2010, 02:02 PM
Am I missing something here? Am I posting in the right places? It seems like most threads and questions go unanswered. Is their another forum someone can recommend so we can can help faster or at all? One would think their would be plenty of people here that would have crossed just about every bridge with regard to VB problems and issues.....but?

Thanks in advance.

That is a relative perception because from what I have seen so far the support here is very good. You should also note that the number of support threads here is big and the staff can''t be everywhere at the same time.

Also often people are busy and don''t have much free time to provide support. Sometime they might not know the answers to the questions asked. For ex, a good deal of support questions here are about cms and blogs and not all users are familiar with those scripts as they don''t use them, me being one of them.

Or I have seen here a lot of questions about basic things that can be found in the acp and/or their answers can be found with a search.

Anyway, all the above is based upon my impressions/experience with the support in this forum. Hope it answers some of your questions :)

Front Range 4x4
04-07-2010, 03:42 PM
Don't confuse vb.org & vb.com support. Like Borbole said most questions posted have already been answered, usually a few times and/or answered by reading the manual or looking through the ACP. Being less tactful than Borbole I'll add that there wouldn't be so many unanswered questions if people did a bit of their own leg work before posting a question.

Iguana Goddess
04-07-2010, 03:49 PM
Don't confuse vb.org & vb.com support. Like Borbole said most questions posted have already been answered, usually a few times and/or answered by reading the manual or looking through the ACP. Being less tactful than Borbole I'll add that there wouldn't be so many unanswered questions if people did a bit of their own leg work before posting a question.

Don't forget some of us are relatively new to owning boards and sometimes don't know where to begin looking for answers. I try to figure things out on my own because when I ask for help I almost never get an answer.

04-07-2010, 03:51 PM
Am I missing something here? Am I posting in the right places? It seems like most threads and questions go unanswered. Is their another forum someone can recommend so we can can help faster or at all? One would think their would be plenty of people here that would have crossed just about every bridge with regard to VB problems and issues.....but?

Thanks in advance.
Of all your threads, I see 3 that have had no replies other than you.

One of those is in Paid Requests, where nobody but the thread starter can post, so that leaves 2. Those threads are asking for things that are addons to vBulletin, in the Video Embedding area.

To expect swift support for vBulletin-related questions is one thing, to expect it for all questions under the sun that could be vaguely related to is another.