View Full Version : paid subscription question

04-02-2010, 08:02 PM

I tried to find my answer around the forum but I could not, so I write here;

I would like to have my VB site as a paid subscription forum with;

1. incremental access to forums.
2. protecting downloads files (ie users must be logged in to download and cant send the links to unregistered users)
3. protecting videos (as above, only paying members will be able to watch it)
3. block duplicates logins so users cant share accounts

my question is: do I need amember or can I do all the above with VB4?


Mike Anime
04-03-2010, 03:19 AM
1 can be done with usergroups

2 mods can be made for that if you mean files in locations other than the forums

3 same as #2

4 i am sure its possable i am just not sure if it can be done without a mod


i had something simular as #2 done for me look for the user name vB Style here

04-03-2010, 06:55 AM
Hi Mike,

Thx for your reply,

so if I have zip file or pdf located under the VB folder on my server, only registered users can download it, and even if they will send the link to others, others will not be able to download it? (and all this without mod?)

about the thread you referred to, is it : https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=155909 ?

04-03-2010, 11:43 AM
1.Also vb4 has subscription in it,
2/3. both can be done with .htaccess and using the same concept as the vb members area.
4.You can require a unique email address or go around deleting same IP accounts but I am sure there is a mod somewhere for that.

04-03-2010, 04:18 PM
OK I understand better.

I just got answer from VB.com official support that that promotion system of vb that based on days since registraion keeps counting the days even if the user is not paying his subscription.

and they confirmed that, if I have a promotion rule to add user to group after 180 days, and the user cancel his subscription after 30 days, and renew his subscription after 180 days he will have to access to the promoted forum.

in this case, user can "save" 6 month of memebership and jump right to the premium content without paying the subscription along the way, is the a way to block this hole?

I am sure forum owners use promotions with paid subscription and do not aware to this "hole"..
