View Full Version : Cannot insert or edit image

04-01-2010, 12:05 AM
When I'm creating new articles in the CMS or in the forums, I can not add new images via "Insert Image" icon into the article or in an discussion thread.

For example in the article editor, I click on the icon "Insert Image" it quickly brings up a black section - but then does NOTHING... I can not figure how to make this work. Same effect when trying to double click on the pencil icon to edit he image (full size, medium, ...)

Same thing happens in IE8, and FF3.5...

04-02-2010, 02:25 AM
If you can't attach images then you have a fundamental problem with your vb installation. You won't be able to run a forum until you fix it. You should take issues with the default vb to vb.com, since apparently this has nothing to do with modifications. I mean, can we assume you've uninstalled all your mods and it still doesn't work?