View Full Version : switching to crypted passwords: too simple ?

07-29-2001, 01:05 AM

I'm using vBulletin in an intranet, where
we already have several applications all with SSO
(single sign-on) based on unix login/passwd
like CVS, Bugzilla...

I wrote a script to synchronize my database into vBulletin.

As I'm a Unix user, I have only access to the crypt password,
not the plain password, so I populated the field password
into the table user with the crypted passwd (second field
of the yellow pages map).

Then I looked into hacking vBulletin to support crypted passwords.
I only had to change ONE line:
diff -r1.1 member.php
< if ($user[password]!=$password) { // check password
> if ($user[password]!=crypt($password,substr($user['password'],0,2))) {
// check password

it seems to work, but I'm a bit concerned:
it's too simple.

I've surely missed something :mad:
but what :confused: ?


07-29-2001, 07:05 AM
Yes it does seem a bit too simple.

You should take a look at the Admin CP login routine, as well as the 'forgotten password' feature. I guess register and change profile would be an issue as well if you plan to use those.

07-29-2001, 03:37 PM
You must look at this hack first
and customise it to use your encryption scheme.

07-29-2001, 07:53 PM
Hi gedescamps,

I had a similar problem using MD5. Only when I couldn't log into my CP did I realise there were more changes... :D

There are 3 files to change:

member.php (lost password, logon, etc.)
register.php (initial registration)
admin/sessions.php (for passwords into CP)

Also see: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=23957 (A hack I released covering MD5 encrypted passwords)

07-30-2001, 03:11 PM
Good, it seems that it is that simple...

vBulletin is a slave of the Unix login/passwd
1) registration is disabled.
2) no simple way to get clear-text password
(of course, there is always crack...)
I modified the mail template to tell users
to use their usual Unix login/passwd,
or go see a Sysadmin if they forgot it.
3) Everynight a script synchronize Unix (Yellow pages)
on vBulletin.

I left the special account for administering
vBulletin with its clear-text password (Argh !)

Thanks for vBulletin. Looks great !
I'm about to see how my 220 users are going to react to it.

PS: I realized that there was no standard place for the full name.
(first name, middle initial, last name)
Will it be possible to have this in the next version ?

07-30-2001, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by gedescamps

PS: I realized that there was no standard place for the full name.
(first name, middle initial, last name)
Will it be possible to have this in the next version ?

You could add this yourself with the 'Custom Profile Fields' feature in the control panel.