View Full Version : forum lines break up + background color (image included)

03-22-2010, 05:08 AM
ok..as u can see from the lines. after anybody posts sometimes you can't see the whole post outline box . it breaks up.

when it breaks up it also changes to a lighter/darker color in the background as well.

the goofy part is that it doesn't do it all time,..only sometimes.

could it be that rezing my avatars and making them bigger did this?
-(if so is there something i can do to fix it while keeping my avatars bigger then 80x80)

-u can see the avatar and how close it come on the bottom left of this pic.

could it be a bug?

could it be that all i need to do is pad it somewhere?

could it be that a need a faster server?



03-23-2010, 04:57 PM

03-26-2010, 05:01 AM
what a waste.

the no help forums..

i dunno..maybe i should re-up for another 5 yrs