View Full Version : Forum Data Transfering

03-19-2010, 01:57 PM
I recently tried upgrading my VB4.0 to VB4.2 but had some major problems. After endless attempts i gave up. Although i was however able to install 4.2 to another directory. Is there a way to transfer all data from my 4.0 forum to my new 4.2?? I have simply tried editing the config file and giving it the database name of the vb4.0 database but no cigar.

03-19-2010, 02:23 PM
I recently tried upgrading my VB4.0 to VB4.2 but had some major problems. After endless attempts i gave up. Although i was however able to install 4.2 to another directory. Is there a way to transfer all data from my 4.0 forum to my new 4.2?? I have simply tried editing the config file and giving it the database name of the vb4.0 database but no cigar.

What errors did you get exactly?

Even if you transfered the db from the 4.0.0 to the that of the 4.0.2. you will stll need to run the upgrade so the db will be upgraded otherwise it won''t work.

03-20-2010, 02:58 PM
The main error was the template was mashed up, like all the text was aligned left and in a list. Tried it a few times and still no luck :(