View Full Version : What is PDA in the index of Archiver [vb 4]?

03-17-2010, 02:44 AM
Hi, guys

What is PDA in the index of Archiver in vBulletin 4? How it works?

Do you notice that, when you are first time to open the index.php of Archiver, there is a hyperlink phrase of "PDA" in the right upper of that page.(See the below image.) But that would disappear if refresh that page.

By the way, that hyperlink is dead.

If the "PDA" make no sense, we should remove it to decrease the dead link .



03-17-2010, 02:57 AM
PDA basically means portable device. it's the "light" style that the archives are set as,so you can read them easily on a PDA.

03-17-2010, 05:32 AM
PDA basically means portable device. it's the "light" style that the archives are set as,so you can read them easily on a PDA.

oh, thanks, :)

that means : the "PDA" hyperlink should be remained for convenience.

But why I refresh that page, the link will disappear. :confused: