View Full Version : password protected on certain section

03-16-2010, 01:54 AM

I want to add section with password protector for the posters. I mean with this password only certain user can Create New Article under this section. This is not same with the Permission Preview. Any one can help me???:)

03-19-2010, 02:40 AM
Will tell what I did which works for me;

in the Admin CP, go to usergroups-> usergroup to create a new group just for those users you want to have content editor access.

from there, you can give the group access as you want.


Next, Go to users->search for users. Find the user you want , click on edit. You have a choice of moving them into a new group or making the group secondary.


Go to VbulletinCms -> Permissions Manager. Go to the section you want to grant permissions.

From there you can grant the entire group write permissions for a particular section. Save then test that it works. :)

I don't know anything about password protecting a section of the CMS, but, putting people into groups does work quite well.