View Full Version : Photo contest tracking

03-16-2010, 12:10 AM
Does anyone know of a mod that could keep track of members contest wins?

What I am thinking is a way to have almost like a leaderboard of who won POTW, POTM, POTQ etc and how many of each the members have won.

Say member#1 won 5 POTW contest, I click on the #5 that showed the count, and it does a quick search and brings up the thumbnails of those winning images.

The only manual way I was thinking to do this, would be to go to each persons photo that won (at least for 2010 when I purchased the website) and add key words to each

POTW-username2 etc, and then create a forum thread with the users names on the left who have won to date, and post a link to the search.

Seems like there has to be an easier way that a plugin could aid with this process?

03-29-2010, 11:47 PM
no surprise that no one answered or gave ideas lol

I did figure out if I create an Excel spreadsheet with the data in columns, I can take the spreasheet and copy the cells grabbing the whole area of the table and paste it into a forum post.

It seems to paste all the code that creats the rows and columns similar to what it does when you paste a spread sheet directly into an email.
Then I can add new names and number of wins as I go along and just link the number to a search.

Here is what I came up with.
I still have 6 or so to link the search, but you get the idea of what I was looking to create.
