View Full Version : Last Active

07-27-2001, 08:38 PM
i have about 500 members on my board and a lot of them don't return very often and i was wondering if there was a hack to see when someone was last online...??

Thanks in advance

Steve Machol
07-27-2001, 09:15 PM
You can look this up individually Users section of the Admin CP. It's listed under 'Last visit' in their profile.

07-27-2001, 09:20 PM
theres no way i can have a list... or a way to automatically delete accounts that aren't being used...??

Steve Machol
07-27-2001, 09:26 PM
To the first question, I'm sure there's a mySQL query you could make to give you that information. I don't know enough about mySQL to help you there.

For the second question, this can also be done with a mySQL query. I believe I've seen such a query posted on this forums. There might be some helpful info here:


07-27-2001, 09:31 PM
i found that one but it doesn't quite work properly... i'm trying to see if i can rewrite it to work with v2.01 :)