View Full Version : Working on vb4 type navigation

Hell Bomb
03-13-2010, 07:17 PM
Well i have been working on a new theme for a clan site. Well i do much like the navbar of vb4 and have been working with it a few days and was wondering if anyone else has already accomplished this on vb3.8.x if so would ya mind sharing source code or could offer a few tips?

03-14-2010, 01:46 PM
I've been working on something but It's not finished yet.

I just added an extra row of cells to the vb3 navbar, above the default menu ones then gave them their own class, with their own background image on however etc, made one of them home, one of them forum etc, then for the remaining space on that bar just made a almost identical class but gave it 100% width to fill the rest of that row with that cell. then made a last cell on that row with a fixed with to put the search box in. Still working on the search box!

Hell Bomb
03-15-2010, 02:42 AM
Well that would be realitivly easy you create multiple rows all your normal rows then another row that is width100% then one last row that has a fixed width to fit the search box. I did the same thing here (http://www.trinityentertainment.net/index.php) on this theme with the community drop down menu.