View Full Version : [V2.0]Auto-PM New Members

The Maus
07-27-2001, 03:32 PM
In vB 2.0.0
I was wondering if there was a way to auto
send New Members a 'pre-made' PM welcoming them?

BTW: this is in reference to the auto-email hack setup
by Tubedogg, Referal Link (http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=13857) ( Thanx for the great idea btw Tubedogg ;) )
An example of what I'm talking about could be seen as

Welcome To Tolien Reviews xxx,
At this forum ..blah blah blah...
(Where xxx is the user name)

It would take a HUGE Burden of my Mods and
Members backs as we have a policy to PM and
greet all new members.

Any ideas, thoughts, etc.. are more than welcome
Thanx. :)

heh... should mention now that I'm no uber programmer
for vB.. hehe... just starting to get into it.