View Full Version : how to make a php file to replace [user_id] variable by its value?

03-10-2010, 09:16 PM

i want to know how if i can make a .php file or any other type of file which recognize vbulletin variables like [user_id]

i will tell why:
i use a mod which allows to add navbar buttons, and that button can be expanded with other options:

this mod only allows links to files, but it doesnt recognize vbulletin variables....so if i want to link to my photo?s album, i cant...because the link for a user album is
members/[user_id]-albums.html (vbseo)

so, i was thinking...why not make a php file with redirect to members/[user_id]-albums.html

is that possible? to make a php file which recognize user_id variable y make the redirect?