View Full Version : Why are image attachments so small in forums?

02-26-2010, 08:40 AM
Hi I was wondering if there is any way to post a "normal" size image in Vbulletin forums? Every time I post an attachment, it shows up as a pretty small thumbnail (of course when you click it it opens full size).

Just curious is there a setting you can change to make it show up as normal size rather than these thumbnails? I feel like a lot of people may overlook the photos since they are so small. Thanks in advance.

02-26-2010, 01:28 PM
Then don't turn on the option to create thumbnails or make the thumbnails larger (vboptions > message attachment options)

02-27-2010, 02:36 AM
Hi Lynne thank you for your response.

I have a question though, is there a possible way to say have both thumbnails and regular sized images?

For example before you commented all my attachments were tiny thumbnails. After changing the mod, they are all pretty large pictures.

Is there a way so that if someone wants to post a few pictures (maybe less than 5) that is normal size, and anything more it goes to thumbnails? Sorta the best of both worlds?

I think it kinda sucks that it has to be either or.

What I mean is if someone wants to post a random pic here and there, I think those should be full size. At the same time if someone wants to share an album, I don't want a post that is gigantic in size.

Thanks again for your help.

02-27-2010, 03:10 AM
No, you can't have a mix - how would the software know when to do one or the other? Why not just make your thumbnails a decent size instead of so small?

03-02-2010, 01:57 AM
On a smaller board there's no really good reason to use thumbnails. Just disable them. Easier to browse images that way.

03-02-2010, 08:22 AM
Hey guys thanks for the responses.

So I am able to resize images, however when I disable thumbnails the attachents are huge.

Whats weird is when I upload images through the quick reply, I get perfectly sized images. However when I use the attachment option in the advanced option, the same images are really large.

I went to the attachment manager and I tried to place limitations on file size, height, width, but the attachments are still very large. Any idea why this may be?

Thank you again.

10-13-2013, 08:43 AM
Jabong82: If you mean thumbnails are too large even after modifying settings, try to go into Admin/Maintenance/General Update Tools/Rebuild Attachment Thumbnails
Also try deleting cache.

Lyne: Thank you again for help, you are very helpfull.

10-13-2013, 09:41 AM
Jabong82: If you mean thumbnails are too large even after modifying settings, try to go into Admin/Maintenance/General Update Tools/Rebuild Attachment Thumbnails
Also try deleting cache.

Lyne: Thank you again for help, you are very helpfull.

You do realize you are replying to a thread that is over three and a half years old? And just as a FYI it's Lynne not Lyne. :)