View Full Version : Cms Not Working After 4.0.2 Pl1

02-24-2010, 07:08 AM
God damm vBulletin.com ....

Another BUG/PROBLEM/ISSUE that i don't need... i posted one article after updating to PL1... it posted 4 times.. each with different url's.. 125.. 127..129..131.. :S and now my visitors can not comment on any of my CMS articles ??

What should i do now ??? i have not backed up for 2 days.. that's about 50 new members since then :(

vBulletin.com support is just SAD... so i thought i would post here as people around here are not money hungry blood sucking devils who produce buggy products / updates time after time..

Any ideas ??

02-24-2010, 01:37 PM
Well if you want to use the previous version which have the security holes,
then copy the 6 files that was changed in pl1..

The pl1 was only 6 files, and NO upgrade scripting, but the error was bad enough
i saw it on vb.com they executed it there on a profile causeing popups in thta profile
now it was a true malicious person the popup could have contained bad stuff :D
luckly it didnt.

Howewer whats most importent closed security risk
or comments...

If comments, then simply find the mod that allow forumsthreads to be added for comments.
dont remember its name, but something as cms comments on forum.. ...

else wait for support, and make sure you have given them temp admin acces
while waiting, cause im thinking its a conflict you have with something else,
so its proberly unique to you and the others using the same conflicting unknown item.

Did a few cms posts which turned out great, and comments fine aswell..
do you have and CMS mods ?

02-25-2010, 02:48 PM
Thanks for your feedback :)

No mods at all, ive only added a few custom forum pages... to make the comments work after publishing an article i need to: edit the article... disable comments.. save... re-edit the article and turn comments on again... it's very strange but others are now saying they are having the same problem, ive re-uploaded the files and still no change.

Thanks again for taking the time to reply with a detailed post.

Regards Darren