View Full Version : V4.0.2 - search box in navbar - can I make it search posts - not threads

02-22-2010, 09:41 PM
In 4.0.2 - (just upgraded) the default operation of the search box in top line of the nav bar is to Show Threads - but my users want to Show Posts. I can't find how to change that detail. Please help.

board: www.TalkPsoriasis.org

What I've tried

I have edited the navbar template and modified the URL for search.php -
was: <a href="search.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=getdaily&amp;contenttype=vBForum _Post">{vb:rawphrase todays_posts}</a>
tried: added &amp;showposts=1 to no avail...

03-03-2010, 07:41 PM
Hey I was certainly hopeful this group would have tackled the problem - noone?

The default search box returns threads - we want it to return posts. Perhaps if I ask more broadly- does anyone have a mod to the default search box in vb 4.0.x?

Thanks, Brian