View Full Version : Importing A Database

02-16-2010, 09:01 AM
Alright my hosting shut me down randomly and i had no new backups, the best i had was a fullback up i done a few weeks ago.

How exactly do i import that into vBulletin again on the new server?
it's an mysql backup. Most pages show a transferring method while both servers are active using SSH or something. I'm really new to this, any help would be appreciated!

The backup is the vbulletin 4 forum but i have cms+forum now.


02-16-2010, 01:12 PM
How mb big is your backup file? if it is not large then try to import it through phpmyadmin. It that won''t work (if the backup file is larger that the file limit your host has set in their phpmyadmins on their server) then give bigdump or mysql dumper a try. They are both excelent scripts.