02-10-2010, 10:00 PM (
Advertiser Lite
Portedfrom vBulletin 4.0.1 as a request
Please click Mark as Installed if you are using this hack.
What Does This Hack Do?
This MOD allows you to add Paypal Subscriptions Buttons/Buy Now Buttons
to an advertisement page, allowing you visits/Sponsors
to advertise on your site, i am up with this idea from the advertising section in Admincp.
This should work with other Services like worldpay etc.. although this has not yet been tested to see if they have a generator for html buttons to add payments/subscriptions to existing site
vBulletin Version Compatibility
This hack can only be used with v3.8.x.
Hack Support/Feature Requests
All support/feature requests for this free hack will be provided here until we go pro
There is copyright branding visible at the bottom of this hack, with a link to my site
You are NOT allowed to remove any visible or source file copyright branding from this hack, nor are you allowed to alter it any way or remove the links.
If you wish to remove the visible copyright branding from this hack, then you can do so by purchasing our pro version which will be locked to your domain only
Version History
v4.0.1 - Ported from vb4 11/02/1020
Show Your Appreciation
Although not required, if you have enjoyed the benefits of this hack, and would like show your appreciation for my efforts, then please feel free to click on the Support Developer link and donate any amount you feel is appropriate.
Please note these are not feature but options for the purchase to user stand on main page
Lite Features
- Global
this is the only option they see on lite version at present, however when customers pays for their advertisement they have a choose of 4 places to advertise showing i section for global
Advertiser Lite
Portedfrom vBulletin 4.0.1 as a request
Please click Mark as Installed if you are using this hack.
What Does This Hack Do?
This MOD allows you to add Paypal Subscriptions Buttons/Buy Now Buttons
to an advertisement page, allowing you visits/Sponsors
to advertise on your site, i am up with this idea from the advertising section in Admincp.
This should work with other Services like worldpay etc.. although this has not yet been tested to see if they have a generator for html buttons to add payments/subscriptions to existing site
vBulletin Version Compatibility
This hack can only be used with v3.8.x.
Hack Support/Feature Requests
All support/feature requests for this free hack will be provided here until we go pro
There is copyright branding visible at the bottom of this hack, with a link to my site
You are NOT allowed to remove any visible or source file copyright branding from this hack, nor are you allowed to alter it any way or remove the links.
If you wish to remove the visible copyright branding from this hack, then you can do so by purchasing our pro version which will be locked to your domain only
Version History
v4.0.1 - Ported from vb4 11/02/1020
Show Your Appreciation
Although not required, if you have enjoyed the benefits of this hack, and would like show your appreciation for my efforts, then please feel free to click on the Support Developer link and donate any amount you feel is appropriate.
Please note these are not feature but options for the purchase to user stand on main page
Lite Features
- Global
this is the only option they see on lite version at present, however when customers pays for their advertisement they have a choose of 4 places to advertise showing i section for global