View Full Version : Public view availability of CMS

02-08-2010, 10:40 PM
I can't for the life of me work out how to make the front of the CMS observable to the general public. It just states you need to sign up to view, in the panel there is the CMS section Permission and I make it available..."can read" = ALL.

Dont know.. is this a bug? The rest of the forum can be sighted by the public etc...

02-08-2010, 11:24 PM
in the Admin Control Panel, under vbulletin CMS, then Permissions? Is that where you have Can Read checked for all?

Mine is set that way (except for Banned Users), and guests can see my CMS.

02-08-2010, 11:34 PM
in the Admin Control Panel, under vbulletin CMS, then Permissions? Is that where you have Can Read checked for all?

Mine is set that way (except for Banned Users), and guests can see my CMS.

Yes, article published, you can see that article if you are logged in... but if you are not, no.

Very strange.

Whoa! Just went back in with a diff Browser and it works. Now just back in with IE8 and its ok as well.

All the fiddling about in the permissions toggling and untoggling must have worked, I had cleared the cache and had all the permissions allowing public view. Can only think that of the two ways to submit the update one doesn't update (even though the box shows public view available). That must be the actual clicking of the radio box versus the drop down menu of allowing all and then updating....

Anyway, thanks for the reply, appreciated!