View Full Version : What kinda board is this??
07-23-2001, 11:21 PM
Hello people!
I see the topic about Lockdown has been deleted - and frankly I'm quite suprised. Why aren't people here allowed to discuss certain things - that's what I'd like to know!
I dind' t find nothing wrong with MrDangers post - in fact it was very objective on the subject, and not at all harsh. But yet he was beeing +++++ed on - and I can't understand why.
This only shows the lack of respect from the Admins of this board when something like this happens. I'm stunned... speechless... But most of all angry that something like this takes place. Deleting a post instead of answering the criticism only shows what kinda admin you are!
Grow up! Learn to debate! Learn to argue!
That's the advice I have for the person who deleted the topic!
07-23-2001, 11:28 PM
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Thanks to the admin that deleted my topic. I guess I got busted ... well guess what I am not giving up that easy. I made a very honest and straight to the point request and instead someone attacked me so I replied. I come back to see its gone.
Thanks a lot ... this only showed to me you have not the thoughts or your peers in mind but only your POWER TRIPPING ride you are on right now ... guess what ... IT DONT MEAN A DAM THING TO ME.
YEAH it dont. I am disgusted that my post got deleted for no good reason just because I said LOCKDOWN
Does that word scare you ? ... WHY it is a great scripting add-on for multiple reasons. Yeah I still want it and I will get it ... and to the ADMIN or MOD that deleted it send me an EMAIL and give me a good reason why you did ?
The Prohacker
07-23-2001, 11:30 PM
There is a differnce between debating, and just being stupid and immature, if you want to bring it up, cool bring it up in a adult manner, the way he did it, was not...
The topic of lockdown has been discussed here several times, and each time everyone has came to the common conclussion that it shouldn't, and won't be posted on this site..
Do a search and see..
07-23-2001, 11:34 PM
From what I could tell of the previous topic that got deleted the most inmature post was the reply by that Senior Member thetwat or whatever his nick is.
THERE you have a perfect example of what "inmature" is...
I mean, how mature is it to say "Go n' take a Valium"...well - answere me this!
07-23-2001, 11:36 PM
You can discuss whatever you want as long as it does not facilitate piracy or go against the license agreement or is in bad taste. You have no expectations of free speech on a privately-owned website.
It is the general consensus of the administration here that the Lockdown hack would do more harm than good. If you have a look around you'll notice threads about it are usually closed.
07-23-2001, 11:36 PM
Oh one more thing:
Even if the subject HAS been up for questioning before it sure as hell doesn't give the admins/senior members the right to +++++ on every newbie that adress the subject again.
Just a reflection...
Regards (again)
// xJoshuAx
Wayne Luke
07-23-2001, 11:39 PM
Actually I deleted the post... Not because of its topic or the actual request but because of the disrespect that everyone who posted in showed towards one another and the total disregard for basic human decency.
If you want to go somewhere where respect and kindness don't mean anything and want to yell and scream about something that doesn't exist and never has, then you can simply take your mouse and click elsewhere.
However if you would take a few minutes and chill out, approach people with respect, post your questions with intelligence then you will find that you will get a lot better results here and everyone can be happy.
Resulting to yelling (sentences in all caps), deliberate misspellings to try and look cool and telling people they are stupid or threatening their personal safety are not the ways to handle a situation.
Finally, I made a new topic about the requested hack and posted it in the proper forum.
So you can either take your own advice and enroll in a debating class at your local college or drop the issue.. No one's speech was cut off, the only thing removed was the kind of vulgarities civilized people can do without.
07-23-2001, 11:43 PM
OK what is the big deal about this ? ... I dont understand ... I made a serious post without attacking anyone , someone called thewiss or chesse piss or whatever told me to take a VALIUM and then I busted his ass in writing and then its gone ?
I dont see how a code that a MEMBER of the VB company not you people on this board told ME to come here to find it. WHY would HE SAY that if it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ILLEGAL?
DAM ... all I want is the code , so I can make it for Ikonboard thats all ? Your responces besides xJoshuAx whom is a solid cat from what I can tell only say that you dont like it ? BUT WHY ?
I searched I found nothing. This is a coding help forum not a delete a coding help forum question ? RIGHT well then help ... OK thats all I want. If you cant help out then dont offer your 2 cents on something for some reason has got all of you in an uproar over your assuming its a warez issue. WAREZ ... man you dont know nothing about warez thats for sure WAREZ are like Robin Hood ... and you all like Robin Hood ...
:mad: :mad:
The Prohacker
07-23-2001, 11:49 PM
Ok, I really hate to be rude, but this is getting outa hand. The hack was found to do more harm than good. Thats it, over with, not gonna happen here. If you want to private contact a programmer, and have the hack done, cool, thats your business, but it will not be publicly posted for the general use of the public because of the nature of its use.
The only reason why LockDown was made was to stop deleters and leechers on fxp sites, any legal use was formed after its creation....
07-23-2001, 11:50 PM
Wluke bro disrespect give me a break. I didnt disrespect anyone @ any point. It was whatever his name was that started it. I asked for , and received no help. I am glad you spoke up and I do thank you for that ... and you said you started it elsewhere ? UMMM do you like writing for people now too ?
I mean BRO thats wrong , and it was not at any point VULGAR unless you say the "BAD WORDS" and I didnt. Come on ...
This stuff is out of control and wrong. All I did was ask for a code. Thats it and I defended it the United States allows freedom of speech , but I guess I was silenced for no reason other than self proclaimed BY you abusive behavior. Thats just not right.
07-23-2001, 11:50 PM
well... what can I say? There we go again!
The admins/mods always backing up on eachother and scratches eachothers arses. It's so typical.
So just what is it with this discussion that is so totaly out of line? Can't you guys take any criticism? It doesn't seem like it! All we tried to do was to wake up an interest for the Lockdown hack again. I mean you just can't run over people like that... It doesn't work that way in the civilized western world (which I hope both you & I represents).
I just don't know wether to cry or laugh here.
Wayne Luke
07-23-2001, 11:52 PM
Well just to let you know...
I am a paid employee of Jelsoft, the makers of vBulletin. I am also the one of the moderators of the hacking forums. I have been participating in the hacking of vBulletin for a year now.
This hack does not exist for vBulletin. If exists for Ultimate Bulletin Board and can be found on
Now look at your post... If you wanted to make your case now wouldn't it have been better to ignore Thewitt's comment? Even now you still go on about it when it no longer exists. If you wish to talk about this rationally then I am willing to proceed. However that means you need to cool your head and your thoughts. Forget about what was said. Does it really mean that much to you? I mean you threatened his physical safety as well.
Warez may be like Robin Hood to you but they are a tax to me. Each copy just adds that much more to a valid license. I can't afford to have my computer equipment confiscated because of unlicensed software. I maintain the license and receipts for every piece of software I purchase. To not do so runs the risk of my children not being able to eat, go to the movies or have nice clothes to wear because without my computer equipment, I can't work. In securing my children's future, I am forced to pay high prices on software because some people don't care about warez.
The Prohacker
07-23-2001, 11:56 PM
So just what is it with this discussion that is so totaly out of line?
Comments like the one you made in the same post:
The admins/mods always backing up on eachother and scratches eachothers arses.
I am not an admin or a mod here, so you want someone thats object here I am, I'll tell you that 90% of the people that want this hack want it for a warez/fxp board, how do I know? I used to admin and run a warez forum, ohhhh noo, why am I telling you this? Because I want to prove a point, I was the exact same people they were tring to avoid in getting this hack. Hell admins on the illegal boards don't give it out...
If you were a software maker, has something that helps pirated their software, why would they help distro it? Do you think MS would distro DDump that is used to dump entire cd's and avoid copyright protection, no way in hell would they do that...
07-23-2001, 11:56 PM
Prohacker ,
DUDE when are you representing everyone ? ... HUH ... I dont think so. You said its been found to be for FTP warez boards so what ? WHAT does that got to do with me ?
Come on that responce about you saying it was found illegal once again why did someone from JelSoft tell me to come here and find it ? Thats my question , because its freedom to do however you want and whenever you want. I am not stepping on your toes and thats a fact bro.
I am not taking money out of your pocket by asking for it , nor am I trying to. ALL I want to know is why you represent everyone when from what I can tell until everyone of the big shots get mad it gets stopped. Thats not effective control it is dam right stoppage of free speech and expression. My usage of the coding is my business and not yours pal. Please remember that next time you respond.
07-23-2001, 11:57 PM
This matter wasn't brought up in the first place because of warez - if you would have taken time to read the statement we made in the deleted post you would've noticed that we wanted this hack for the "regular" community - not the warez-community.
But if it's not gonna happend here I'm cool with that. So EOD - I rest my case. BUT I still believe it would've been a great hack for the regular vBulletin-community - and I'm not ashamed to say so.
The Prohacker
07-24-2001, 12:01 AM
why did someone from JelSoft
I cannnot comment for JelSoft, but I somehow doubt they would say to come here to download it. There was a topic a few days ago that had something similar to LockDown, infact it had code that said it came from Planet-FXP as I remember, that post was deleted because all it contain was the code for the hack. I'm sure it could be used for legal purposes, but more people would use it for illegal purposes so it will no be distro'd here...
If you want to find a private programmer to make the hack for you, JelSoft I'm sure will no stop you, or will no care, as long as you have a legal licinse...
Wayne Luke
07-24-2001, 12:16 AM
Originally posted by MrDanger666
Come on that responce about you saying it was found illegal once again why did someone from JelSoft tell me to come here and find it ? Thats my question , because its freedom to do however you want and whenever you want. I am not stepping on your toes and thats a fact bro.
Personally, I have never found it used on an illegal warez site.. I don't use them, don't visit them, nor do I care to. 10-15 years ago, I might have used them.
If the first dozen or so requests hadn't have been from people wanting to use it on their own warez site, I probably would have written it. I figure it will only take about 15 minutes to do so and be relatively easy to do as well. However since I have no use for it nor see any potential future use for it on my own community I haven't pursued it.
As far as the email you received from the representative at Jelsoft, if that person had told you that you could find it here, they were mistaken. What they probably meant was to check here and if it wasn't here, maybe someone could code it for you.
I have searched for it many times when people asked for it and insisted it was here before. I spent one day going through each and every thread by hand here looking for it in case the search engine missed it for what ever reason. Later when there were additional forums for hacking, I looked again as I was moving threads into the new sub-forums. I have used the search engine to find it using every word combination that is valid and I could think of.
So in the time you have been pursuing this, you could have added about 10 lines of code to showthread.php, 15 lines to newthread.php, a couple of database fields and had the hack yourself.
I am not trying to disrespect you, I am merely trying to tell you that it doesn't exist as you continue to insist.
07-24-2001, 04:54 AM
You know after our wonderful little back and forth ear beatings and your doubting my statement someone from Jelsoft , I guess I should post the unedited email from me to him first and then his reply. It is included @ the end of this post. I dont want James from Jelsoft to even be included in this nor do I feel it is right he even be mentioned. I respect the man for answering like a man.
Secondly , about WAREZ , you know , the reason software costs so much is GREED not warez. WAREZ account for less than 5 percent of the user base. It is greed that makes Adobe charge 599 or 699 for Photoshop ... not my our whomevers actions. It called GREED. That is not my fault , that the net has exploded to a point that it is all that people seem to talk about. The fact is that PORN is way way way more involving than warez.
Third , I come here on the advice of someone from Jelsoft you can believe it or not that is not my problem. I have never lied nor felt the need too. The fact you that the first 15 or so people here wanted it for warez usage is bad. How am I suppost to know that fact being new to the board ? I mean really they are stupid for coming here looking for it when its common knowledge warez people dont like to be known I find that statement kinda outlandish and maybe out of line. Though Sure its bad , however what about the other say 35 or 50 or 100 or 2500 that might have found legit usage of this ? You know the negative actions of a very small sector of the community should not be held against those wanting it for legit reasons. When brought up on the Ikonboard community (by me) everyone was going nuts over it for legit reasons. Maybe we are more open to NEW CONCEPTS???
Fourth , I didnt say threating statements towards anyone , other than big mouth come and give it to me. Its called trash talking if your big time basketball stars can do it how come I cant ? ... You dont see them getting deleted or censored?
Fifth , you are dealing with someone quite well versed and my usage of upper case letting and the like is my way of expression. I am quite vocal and active when I speak in general and I dont care if you dont like it , and the fact you brought up about your family that was quite disburbing in the regard that what does that have to do with anything in my comments? The fact you ride the straight and narrow is your choice not mine on the term and usage of illegal software.
And in closing before I post the emails , the facts are not supportive in your actions , as I never once crossed that line in using negative language , it was only when provoked. All I wanted to do was get the code and convert it into coding for our Ikonboard users thats it ... little did I know I was entering hostile waters and walking on landmines. I know I am new here , and but you got to be way way more open to the back and forth banter that heated discussions bring upon you , and deletion is only used when needed not as a way to try to silence the masses or someone taking on a more than usually hot topic.
Thanks for your time and opinions none the less even if I dont agree with them.
Chuck - MrDanger666
EMAIL time. UNEDITED. Read on.
Apologies for the delay in response - the lockdown script isn't included with the standard version of vBulletin, but I believe that it is available as an unofficial code "hack". For more information, please visit the "code hacking" forum on the vBulletin community forums:
Please let me know if you require any further assistance.
All the best,
James Limm
Product Manager, vBulletin
vBulletin - 'Community Instantly'
----- Original Message -----
From: "MrDanger 666" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 5:56 PM
Subject: Lockdown Script for VB ???
> Hello,
> I currently run the Ikonboard for my forums on my site , but I was looking
> around and I saw that V-Bulletin seems to be the only one board that runs
> and ADDITIONAL script called the LOCKDOWN script. It is configurable in
> PROFILEs I do believe if I read it right. I asked the board ADMIN whom I
> it on and he was an ass about it so I figured I go right to the makers. I
> seriously considering moving away from Ikonboard if I can get the LOCKDOWN
> script.
> It blocks out a part of the posting message and that only repling with
> enable you to see it ... I think that it is SWEET and I could use it very
> Any help would be appreicated totally.
> Thanks for your Time.
> Chuck
Robert Basil
07-24-2001, 05:16 AM
Originally posted by MrDanger666
Fourth , I didnt say threating statements towards anyone , other than big mouth come and give it to me. Its called trash talking if your big time basketball stars can do it how come I cant ? ... You dont see them getting deleted or censored?
Maybe you missed this part of the vBulletin Community Forum Rules when you registered. Let me refresh your memory.
The owners of vBulletin Community Forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.
And here is the link:
If you don't like the rules, you should not have registered here. plain and simple.
And go ahead and complain about my post all you want. I will not bother to waste my time with a reply.
Some guy
07-24-2001, 10:08 AM
hey people,
I noticed all the talk about the lockdown hacks and I had a couple of comments. I am sort of an outside oppion because I dont run a vbb board. I dont want the hack.
1) It seems sad to me that you guys ban something because it can be used for an illegal purpose. Almost anything can be used to promote illegal activity. Do we make guns and knives illegal even though they can be used to kill people (okay, maybe not the best example)? I realize this is a privately run board and the admins/mods make the rules. I do respect that and they have every right to stand by their ban on lockdown :) But I dont have to agree with it and I can try to change their minds.
2) There are good reasons for this hack. I have been participating on a board for some time now that has a "brain teasers" forum. I enjoy it :D but Imagine the possibilities with lockdown. People can hide their answers and give everyone else a shot to answer as well. By the way, the board is UBB and does have the {hide}, but I dont think it works right.
This is just one example of how it could be used.
3) I also know a little bit about the use of LOCKDOWN on the warez sites. And I dont see what the fuss is about. Its not like it really aides in the pirating of software. In my opinion it hinders it. Say you have a board of 1000 *evil* warez leechers :p . With lockdown, when someone posts some warez, only the 100 people who take the time to reply get the warez. So, in reality the other 900 people (whom the warez folks call leechers, lamers, 0-posters, ect) arent getting the warez. Thus the spread of the warez has been decreased. These warez boards dont like the majority of users who just leech and leech but never actively take part in the board. In reality many are eletists in their little world of warez. They say let the warez be free for all to download and stuff like that. But what they mean is: Let the warez be free to all those who also share their warez with me. This is where lockdown comes in. Only the active members of the board (even if they only post: thank you for the free stuff) get the warez. Lockdown used on warez boards is just an easy way out for the board admins. They cant properly maintain their boards so they need lockdown to stop leechers or deleters. BLAH. Any good warez board would have good admins placing restrictions to limit the amount of leechers/deleters. A good board would have a much smaller user base (mostly a circle of net freinds) and would have no need for lockdown. I know, blah blah blah. Anyways my point is: in my opinion Lockdown doesnt really help pirate software. It may be a tool used by software pirates and for many people this is enough for it to be considered bad. I can understand and respect that. But I disagree, lockdown limits the spread of warez on these lame boards :).
wow, if you read all that. it wasnt suppose to be that long. I dont really expect to change anyones mind. If i did, cool. Perhaps I did show another angle to the whole lockdown-warez connection though.
one last thing, To all the people constantly requesting this or fighting with the admins/mods over it. It is your own fault that a lockdown hack has not been allowed to be posted here. Frankly, you guys seem a little rude and immature. It makes me wonder what the average age of you warez folk. Ohh wait I already know the anser to that: 13 :D
07-24-2001, 11:00 AM
You make some good points there Some guy.
It is not the nature of the hack that got the thread removed but the rude and disrespectful comments made (and there are a few in this thread as well).
As was said earlier, it is not a particularly complex hack and we would have had no objection to it being created. The last thread that was recently removed has ruined the chance of having the lockdown hack allowed here for the forseeable future.
If you want to use the hack, you need to hire a programmer to write it for you or do it yourself.
I agree that it does have many legitimate uses but as of now, these don't make a difference because of the nature of the last couple of threads relating to it.
Some guy
07-24-2001, 11:21 AM
yeah, that is what I figured.
07-24-2001, 11:54 AM
No matter what I say , do , or anything I am looked upon as a fool , jerk , ass , warez person , punk , and what have you. Thats sad. Just because I spoke up on a taboo issue ? I like being part of the stronger topics in discussion.
Those comments from someguy about the warez boards are totally true and I do give it to you for pointing this out however I did try myself to make the same point , and thewitt told me to go take some VALIUM. How nice of him. Maybe he knows something I dont ? Doubtful !
Anyway , its all about what is right and wrong. You senior members can bash the living hell out of me , like Robert , hey I am glad you wont respond , that way , this discussion can continue to be insiteful and address the issues rather THAN repeat the known issues of rules. Bro I dont read the rules and I live by the old saying rules are for fools ... please just stay out of it then.
You know being called childish or whatever is funny , I am 28 yrs old. I dont like being bashed for everything I say or do. I mean this is a community not a prison and freedom of speech should be promoted not demoted and censored.
Anyway , whatever the case , it is sad that some people are judged based on others and that you get tossed into the same group just because you attempt to make a vaild point.
Yes we do currently have the lockdown script , and are porting it over for usage on IKONBOARD. And anyone here is more than welcome to contact me about it for whatever reason you may want to use it for be it good or the dreeded evil warez people.
And to close , this was without a doubt not a good experience what so ever , and you have totally scared me away from ever using this product. And yeah I would have paid for it too. Not now , how can I when you will get censored , deleted , shutdown , and told off everytime you try to make the point on the other side of the story. For those or you that dont understand there are 2 parts to every story and each part deserves to be told with either the good or the bad as the end result.
07-24-2001, 12:23 PM
I can't see this discussion going much further so I will close the thread now. Any more issues regarding the "Lockdown" hack should be discussed privately.
07-24-2001, 03:43 PM
> EMAIL time. UNEDITED. Read on.
At the time, I wasn't aware of what the lockdown hack entailed - hence the generic email directing him to this forum. My email did not endorse the hack in any way, shape or form.
All the best,
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