View Full Version : looking for mod

02-01-2010, 09:04 PM
alright so far I tried all the anti spam mods in the vb 4 mods, and no offence but in my view I dont like them.

I dotn want to have to deal with aproving every member that registers thats valid like 1 mod does. and the other mods i looked at are not what im looking for or they dont work.

the only mods ive seen so far which weree from version 3.8 when i was using it were the enhanced image captcha and the are you human question maker mod from 3.8, they worked perfectly. why hasnt anyone at least made a human verification question for the registration yet? you would think that would have been 1 of the first anti spam bot measures made.

I am looking for a workign mod that will prevent spam bots and not require me to enable email activation and especially not user moderation.

02-02-2010, 01:28 AM
Go with a question and answer during registration.